    Due to the development of computer hardware and software and the constant upgrading of the Internet, big data era has gradually arrived. Big data era has had a huge impact on the accounting profession, which shows a tendency of gradually being deepened. The content, method, environment and so on of accounting work are also constantly changing. As a result, accounting work is facing comprehensive reform, which is confronted with many challenges and difficulties. For example, poor hardware facilities and imperfect software and equipment, unsafe data environment and the lack of high quality accounting personnel have hindered the pace of accounting change. Meanwhile, all these challenges and difficulties have led to an opportunity of the reform of accounting work . To firmly grasp the opportunity, governments, enterprise and software development companies need to collaborate together, to continuously improve the basis of accounting work digitization, renew the current accounting software and update the computer hardware. What’s more, we  also have to carry out the accounting personnel training so that we can improve the quality of the staff, perfect the accounting system  and change the notion of accounting, and so on. Only in this way can we take advantage of big data era, keep up with the pace of the age, and make a better future.
    Key words: Big data era;Traditional accounting;Cloud accounting
    目    录
    摘    要Ⅰ
    ㈠大数据时代的内涵及引起的社会变革  1
    ㈡大数据时代的内涵  1
    ㈢大数据时代下的社会变革  1
    二、大数据时代的会计   2
    ㈠ 大数据时代会计的内涵   2
    ㈡ 大数据时代会计的新特点 2
    三、大数据时代的会计变革   4
    ㈠ 大数据时代会计数据处理的变革 4
    ㈡ 大数据时代管理会计的变革 5
    ㈢ 大数据时代企业内审的变革   6
    四、大数据时代会计变革面临的困境   6
    ㈠ 落后的计算机硬件   6
    ㈡ 落后的计算机软件 7
    ㈢ 不完善的网络建设 7
    ㈣ 低素质的会计从业人员 7
    ㈤ 不完善的会计制度及法律法规 8
    ㈥ 不安全的云数据服务 8
    五、全面建设会计数据化的建议   8
    ㈠ 企业的力量 8
    ㈡ 科技的力量 9
    ㈢ 政府的力量  10
    参考文献  11
    致谢  12
    ㈠ 大数据时代的内涵
    进入21世纪以来,大数据(Big data)一词逐渐走入人们的生活中 ,人们用大数据一词来描述和定义当今的信息爆炸时代所产生的海量数据。大数据,是由数目庞大、结构繁杂、类型众多数据组成的数据集合,是基于云计算的数据处理与应用模式,进行数据的集成同享,穿插复用组成的智力资源和知识服务能力。
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