    Business Valuation is to meet the needs of enterprises and the development of economic activity generated. As China's securities market and the gradual standardization of the operational efficiency of the capital market to improve, to achieve the company's goal - to maximize shareholder wealth, value-based management philosophy Investors are increasingly concerned about the topic, assess enterprise value in the industry by wide attention. How to assess the value of the enterprise is not only a long-term exploration of the securities industry, the issue is more concerned about the large number of investors.
    Today, the real estate industry is a pillar industry of China's economic development, the contribution to GDP of the real estate industry as well as the quality of life of the people have played a decisive role. In this paper, the real estate company's business valuation method as an object of study, comparing different companies of different valuation methods in place, so pick out the valuation method for the real estate business - discounted cash flow model. Cash flow is the essence of the real estate company, the company's cash flow, in particular solid cash flow, that is, in the normal operation after the company cash flow can be distributed to shareholders and creditors, the company is an important manifestation
    Keywords: income method; valuation; discounted cash flow model
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    第一章  引言    1
    1.1研究背景和意义    1
    1.2研究框架    2
    1.2.1研究内容    2
    1.2.2研究方法及创新    2
    第二章  企业价值评估的主要方法概述    4
    2.1收益法    4
    2.2市场比较法    4
    2.3成本法    5
    2.4期权估价法    5
    第三章  现金流量折现法简介    7
    3.1现金流量法的介绍    7
    3.2现金流量折现法的基本公式    8
    3.3现金流量折现模型参数估计    8
    3.3.1预测期间    8
    3.3.2现金流量    9
    3.3.3折现率    9
    第四章  冠城大通股份有限公司的价值评估    11
    4.1冠城大通股份有限公司的基本情况    11
    4.2冠城大通发展环境分析    11
    4.2.1宏观经济环境分析    11
    4.2.2房地产行业发展环境分析    11
    4.3基于现金流量折现法的价值评估    12
    4.3.1计算历史现金流量    12
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