    Enterprise financing risk, refers to the enterprise debt paying ability because of the borrowed funds lack of possibility and the uncertainty of the profit.If you can make the right financing decision-making, management, funds used properly, to achieve its business goals and achieve expected return, is the successful financing decisions, but in the market environment variety of economic conditions, if the enterprise decision-making mistakes, management failure,which have too much uncertainty, debt paying ability is insufficient, to create enterprise financing risk.
    There was a first loss in 2012, li ning company, has many public offering of common stock and convertible bonds financing, such combined financing way can to a certain extent, can combine the advantages of two kinds of financing ways for enterprises to raise more money, but at the same time, also can produce certain financing risk.Such as debt financing has also paid sex financing risk and business financing risk, stock issuance because of timing, quantity, financing cost of causes such as loss will also bring high risk to the li ning company.The focus of this article is to study financing risk management, li ning company as the research object, through the analysis of the li ning company financing mode and size financing risk, and find out the cause of fundraising risk, and put forward corresponding solving measures for the reason.
    Keywords:Financing;Funding risk;LINING ;Risk Analysis;Reason;Advice
     目  录
    摘要    Ⅰ
    第一章  引言    1
    第二章 筹资及筹资风险概述    2
    2.1筹资概述    2
    2.2企业筹资风险概述    2
    第三章  李宁公司简介    4
    3.1李宁公司简介    4
    3.2李宁公司发展各阶段    4
    3.3李宁公司现状    5
    第四章 李宁公司筹资风险分析    7
    4.1李宁公司债务筹资分析    7
    4.2李宁公司股权筹资分析    7
    4.3李宁公司筹资比较分析    8
    第五章 李宁公司产生筹资风险的原因    9
    5.1资本结构不合理    9
    5.2公司资产周转速度较慢    9
    5.3公司盈利能力弱及经营风险大    10
    5.4管理层风险意识淡薄    10
    5.5管理工作不完善    11
    第六章 李宁公司加强筹资风险管理的建议    12
    6.1优化资本结构和加强偿债能力    12
    6.2提高周转速度    13
    6.3提高盈利能力    13
    6.4建立健全防范机制    14
    6.5加强内部控制和完善公司管理    14
    结束语    16
    致  谢    17
    参考文献    18
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