


     An Empirical Study of the Profitability of Listed Companies of the Finance and Insurance Industry and Its Influencing Factors 

    ABSTRACT:Emphasis on operational status of the financial and insurance industry listed companies and also study the main factors which affect its growth and profitability has obvious practical significance for the development of financial and insurance industry.This article took 35 finance and insurance companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange as the research object, select financial data from 2010 to 2014,using SPSS19.0 software for correlation analysis and regression analysis to profitability and its impact factors empirical research. The results showed that: asset-liability ratio negatively correlated with profitability and profitability positively related with turnover ratio of total assets.Companies can optimize the capital structure and ownership structure, change management,implement intensive management to improve the company's profitability.

    Key Words: Finance and insurance industry;Listed companies;Profitability;Empirical research

    目    录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    一  引言 1

    (一)研究背景及意义 1

    (二)研究内容及方法 2

    文献综述 4

    (一) 国外相关文献研究 4

    (二) 国内相关文献研究 4

    三 我国金融保险业盈利能力现状分析 6

    (一) 盈利能力评价指标选择 6

    (二)金融保险业盈利能力的现状分析 7

    四 金融保险业上市公司盈利能力分析模型设计 11

    (一)盈利能力指标选择原则 11

    (二)样本数据与变量选取 11

    (三)研究假设 13

    (四)模型设计 14

    五 实证分析 15

    (一)描述性统计 15

    (二)相关性分析 15

    (三)回归分析 17

    六 研究结论和对策建议 20

    (一)研究结论 20

    (二)对策建议 20

    参考文献 22





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