
    摘 要:本文着眼于企业富余资金的特点、矛盾、闲置情况和货币贬值的现状,并结合实际案例,论证了企业富余资金理财的必要性。通过分析企业富余资金理财面临的现实问题,诸如理财意识不强、知识欠缺、资金散乱、品种单一、制度不全,风险难控,考核缺位等;研究提出企业富余资金理财策略,就是以培育企业理财文化为基础,增强责任感,建立激励机制,提高工作成效,形成科学性、精细化的理财决策体系,选择适合的理财模式,组合配置理财产品,在积极探索借助银行服务功能理财、参与新兴网络金融理财等各类理财新途径的同时,建章建制,落实措施,全方位地防范理财的策略、市场、操作、道德和法律风险。53239


    Abstract: In this paper, combined with the actual case of George Group, we focus on characteristics, contradictory and situations of the enterprise’s surplus funds and currency devaluation to demonstrate the necessity of managing the enterprise’s surplus funds. By analyzing the practical problems which are faced by managing the enterprise’s surplus funds, such as lack of financial awareness and knowledge, scattered funds, single species, incomplete system, difficultly to control the risk, absence of assessment, our researchers raised a strategy of managing the enterprise’s surplus funds. That is consist of creating a cultural basis for all workers, letting them enhance the sense of responsibility, creating incentives to improve their effectiveness, forming a scientific financial decision-making system, selecting the appropriate financial model, combining financial products. Actively explore manage funds by band service functions, participate emerging financial manage funds in network and other new ways of manage funds, at the same time, construct the chapter, implement measures, prevent financial risks of strategy, market, operation, ethics and law in all directions.

    Keywords: enterprise, surplus funds, manage funds, strategy

    目  录

    1 引言 4

    2 企业富余资金理财的必要性 4

    2.1 企业富余资金具有多发性持续性特点 4

    2.2 资金流动性与资金利用率的矛盾 4

    2.3 企业集团富余资金更易出现分散闲置情况 4

    2.4 单纯的银行存款难以保值 5

    3 企业富余资金理财的需求及现实问题 5

    3.1 富余资金理财是企业的理性需求 5

    3.2 企业富余资金理财实例 5

    3.3 企业富余资金理财的现实问题 6

    4 企业富余资金理财的策略 7

    4.1 培育企业理财文化 7

    4.1.1 提高企业整体理财意识 7

    4.1.2 增强责任有效激励提高效率 8

    4.1.3 选择适合的理财模式 8

    4.2 探索理财新途径 8

    4.2.1 理财决策要由经验性粗放化向科学性精细化转变 8

    4.2.2 组合配置理财产品 9

    4.2.3 借助银行服务功能 10

    4.2.4  积极参与新兴网络金融理财 11

    4.3 全方位防范各类理财风险

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