


    Abstract 2

    Abstract in Chinese 4

    1. Introduction 1

    1) Purpose of this Study 1

    2) Organization of this Study 3

    2. Literature Review 4

    1) On the “Flesh and Spirit” Theory and Its Limitation 4

    2) On the “Men and Women” Theory and Its Limitation 5

    3) This Thesis: the Conflict between "physic" and Feelings 7

    3. Chapter One:An Explanation of "physic" and Feelings 7

    4. Chapter Two: Relationships of the Three Generations From the 

      Perspective of "physic" and Feelings 11

    1) Tom Brangwen: A Fare Well to the Past 12

    2) Anna Brangwen and Her Struggle 13

    3) Ursula Brangwen and the Rainbow...15

    5. Chapter Three: Cyclic Pattern of the Plot 18

    6. Chapter Four: Theme of the Novel 21

    1) Discover and Pursue "physic" 21

        2) Revolutionary Feature of The Rainbow.23

    7. Chapter Five: Conclusion 24

    Bibliography 26

    1. Introduction

    1) Purpose of This Study

    ① Lawrence the Philosopher as Seen in The Rainbow

      Early 20th century was a distinctive period of time in the Great Britain as it was elsewhere, which was, to quote Mathew Arnold, “wandering between two worlds, one dead; the other powerless to be born”. Christian morality, outgrown by the industrial age, was on the verge of crumbling, leaving a lacuna to be filled by nothing but wars and drastic social changes, for good or evil. The Rainbow was dedicated, though not confined, to that age, for the establishment of a new philosophy.源-自/优尔+文,论`文'网]www.youerw.com

    ② A New Perspective of the Conflict

      The philosophy of Lawrence is the philosophy of “"physic"”, the inexplicable (even to the writer himself) nature of humanity, the character’s inner life, the deepest springs of consciousness, the “far self”.

    In reading The Rainbow, from time to time we encounter sudden transitions of the characters’ attitude and behavior which happen without clear reason. Such a device is by no means arbitrary imagination. My interpretation is that in The Rainbow characters are endued with two-fold attitudes, say, a direct self and a far self, or feelings and “"physic"”. Their thinking and action are manipulated by the mechanism of this joint force. Guided by feelings, they easily fall in love and seek romance; then inevitably some seemingly supernatural power prompts them to find troubles with their lovers and hurls them into mutual estrangement and resentment. The same pattern of misery after romance, repulsion after attraction, bitter despair after burning love-making, like destiny, repeats itself generation after generation.

      Therefore, the dialectical “meta-physic" of being in the rainbow is the dialectical“meta-physic" of the direct self and the far self, or feelings and “"physic"”, the former arbitrary and environmental, the latter fixed and intrinsic. This thesis seeks to analyze the relationships of the Brangwen couples from the perspective of "physic" and feelings.

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