摘要:本文的目的是为了了解启东市小学生的总体发育和健康状况,为小学生的健康成长提供数据资料。 本文针对启东市天汾中心小学的7至12岁年龄段的学生进行各项生理指标的调查统计,具体生理指标包括:身高、体重、肺活量、视力。经过汇总和分析得出各项指标,并与正常指标范围进行了比较,分析造成不正常现象的原因,结果得出:随着小学生年龄的增大,各项生理指标发生了明显的变化,尤其是身高、体重、肺活量,随着年龄的增长呈现上升趋势;而视力则呈现下降的趋势,主要差异出现在五年级和六年级。同时将各项指标的调查结果和江苏省平均水平相比,结果发现各项指数低于江苏省的平均水平。本文还就如何提高小学生的身体发育水平提出了建议。55749


Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to see the overall growth and health of pupils in Qidong, and provide data for the healthy growth of pupils. In this paper, we carry out a survey of the physiological indices on students between six and twelve in Qidong Tianfen primary school, Specific physiological indicators include: Height, weight, vital capacity, vision,. After a summary and analysis of the indicators and draw the difference between the normal target range, Analysis possible reasons causing unnormal phenomenon, The results obtained: With primary school age increasing, significant changes occurred in physiology, particularly in height, weight and lung capacity, which is becoming high and high; but vision is becoming worse and worse, The main difference appears in the five and six grade. At the same time, we compared the result with the average level in Jiangsu province and found that each index is lower than that in Jiangsu province.This paper makes some recommendations on how to develop and improve the body's level of development of pupils.

Key words: Pupil, Physiological index, Investigation and analysis


1 前言 4

2 内容、研究对象与方法 4

2.1 内容 4

2.1.1 身高 4

2.1.2 体重 4

2.1.3 BMI指数 4

2.1.4 肺活量 5

2.1.5 视力 5

2.2 研究对象 5

2.3 方法 5

3. 调查结果 5

3.1 身高 5

3.2 体重 7

3.3 BMI指数 9

3.4 视力 11

3.5 肺活量 14

4 讨论 16

4.1 身高的发育状况及影响因素 16

4.2 BMI指数分析及影响体重因素 17

4.3视力状况及其影响因素 17

4.4肺活量状况及其影响因素 18

5 建议 18

5.1关于少年儿童长高的建议 18

5.2关于控制少年儿童的体重的建议 18

5.3关于保护少年儿童的视力的建议 19

5.4关于提高少年儿童肺活量的建议 20

结 论 21

下一篇:1,2,4,6-Tetragalloyl glucose致结肠癌细胞凋亡分子机理的研究









