摘  要:区域一体化发展是一个有机的区域整体联动的过程。它不但深刻影响着区域整体在更大地域乃至全国的竞争力,同时也影响着区域内各个城市的经济社会发展。本文以苏锡常都市圈为研究对象,在对其发展现状进行分析的基础上,从市场一体化、社会一体化和交通一体化三个方面选取指标构建评价指标体系,并采用熵值法确定指标权重,对苏锡常都市圈2011-2015年间的区域一体化发展程度进行综合测度。结果发现:2011-2015年间,苏锡常都市圈区域一体化的综合水平呈现先下降再上升的趋势;其中市场一体化所占比重最高,交通一体化所占比重最低,说明区域内的交通网络体系建设仍有待进一步加强。最后在此基础上提出了促进区域一体化发展的对策建议。92245


Abstract:Regional integration development is an organic whole process of regional linkage。 It not only has a profound impact on the overall competitiveness of the region as a whole, but also affects the economic and social development of the cities in the region。 This paper takes Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou metropolitan area as the object of study and analyzes its development status, from the three aspects of market integration, social integration and transportation integration, indicators are selected to build the evaluation index system, and the entropy method is used to determine the index weight, and measure the comprehensive degree of regional integration development in Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou metropolitan area in 2011-2015 years。 The results show that the comprehensive level of regional integration in Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou metropolitan area decreased and then increased in the last of 2011-2015 years。 Among them, the market integration accounted for the highest proportion, and the traffic integration accounted for the lowest, it shows that the construction of traffic network system in this area needs to be further strengthened。 On this basis, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to promote the development of regional integration。

Keywords: regional integration, Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou metropolitan area, measure

目  录

1  引言 4

2  苏锡常都市圈区域一体化形成与发展 4

2。1  苏锡常都市圈的形成与发展现状 4

2。2  苏锡常都市圈建设的机遇与挑战 5

3  区域一体化的测度研究方法 5

3。1  评价指标体系构建 5

3。2  指标标准化处理 6

3。3  指标权重确定 6

3。4  综合指数计算 6

4  苏锡常都市圈区域一体化的测度 7

4。1  测度结果 7

4。2  结果分析 7

5  苏锡常都市圈区域一体化发展对策 8

5。1  加强基础设施建设 8

5。2  优化产业结构及空间布局 8

5。3  加快市场一体化建设 8

5。4  推进城乡协调发展 9

5。5  加大环境治理力度,强化生态文明建设 9

结 论










