     normal college students to participate in martial arts performance status quo investigation
    Abstract: At first, this paper uses the literature material method to a problem with the predecessors' research proposal and process understanding and sorting, and using statistical analysis and questionnaire survey to investigate the involvement of the students in our school analysis, integrated analysis and logic analysis and other research methods, combining various aspects strength on the part of the students in our school to participate in martial arts performances are studied, the condition of the mastery of  normal college students to participate in martial arts performances of the status quo of college students and characteristics of martial arts activities, analysis the factors influencing them to participate in martial arts performances, put forward some better countermeasure and the suggestion for college students to participate in martial arts, offer certain theoretical basis for the reform of university physical education, contribute to the development of Chinese wushu.
    Keywords:  normal college; College students; To participate in; Martial arts performances
     目    录
    摘要:    1
    引言    2
    1.研究对象和方法    2
      1.1 研究对象    2
      1.2 研究方法    2
    2.结果与分析    3
      2.1师范学院大学生参与武术表演的现状    3
      2.2师范学院大学生参与武术表演的形式    5
      2.3师范学院大学生参与武术表演的项目    5
    3.结论与建议    6
      3.1结论    6
      3.2建议    6
    参考文献    8
    附录    9
    致谢    11
    1.1 研究对象
    1.2 研究方法
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