

    摘  要社会转型是当今社会变迁的总体特征,而城市化和工业化是社会转型时期的显著特征。随着城市化和工业化的第三阶段的到来,建设用地需求大量增加,土地的征用规模越来越大,从而产生了大量地失地农民,同时这些失地农民的归宿问题也显现了,在政府主导下促使以安置这一群体的拆迁安置型社区得以形成。其次像在5.12大地震以及一些大型自然灾害而形成国家政府统一安置受灾人民,而形成的安置社区也逐渐增多。安置社区居民的经济状况得到了一定程度上的改善,进入城市后地位获得了一定程度的提升;因此他们不再只满足于基本的物质性需求,于是对新的城市生活的不适应,每日寄寓于麻将,扑克,骰子,彩票等赌博活动,部分人群聚众赌博,造成了经济损失和家庭失和,甚至家破人亡,给社会秩序带来损害造成恶劣的社会影响。因此安置社区精神文明建设显得尤为迫切和需要,社区体育却可以丰富居民文化生活,提高生活质量,交流邻里感情,改善人际关系,因此社区体育的发展显得尤为重要,而这对于全面建设小康社会和社会主义和谐社会具有重要意义。lf0073


    关键词 :社会转型   安置社区    社区体育


         The social transformation is the overall characteristic of the social transformation, and the urbanization and industrialization are the notable features of the social transformation period.. With the arrival of the third stage of urbanization and industrialization, construction land a substantial increase in the demand for, the expropriation of land is larger and larger, resulting in a large number of landless farmers. At the same time, the destination of these farmers also appears the, in under the guidance of the government, promote to accommodate this group of the demolition resettlement community can be formed. Secondly, as the 5.12 major earthquakes and some large natural disasters, the formation of the national government unified resettlement of the affected people, and the formation of the resettlement community has gradually increased. Resettlement community residents of the economic situation has been improved to a certain extent, after entering the city position and gained a certain degree of ascension; therefore they will not only meet the in the basic material needs, and on the new urban life does not adapt, daily sustenance in mahjong, poker, dice, lottery and other gambling activities, some people gambling, resulting in a economic loss and family discord, even ruin and death, to the social order damage resulting in adverse social impact. So the placement of the community spiritual civilization construction is particularly urgent and necessary, community sports can enrich the cultural life of the residents, improve the quality of life, emotional exchange neighborhood, improve interpersonal relationship, so the development of community sports is particularly important, and this for the comprehensive construction of a well-off society and a harmonious socialist society has important significance.

         In this paper, to the city of in the process of Hongze County and prosperous homeland resettlement community sports present situation as the research object, by using the methods of literature research, questionnaire investigation, interview, investigation, mathematical statistics, to the study of social transformation as the breakthrough point, through the social transformation on the placement of the impact of community sports development, resettlement community sports management system reform,, the development and changes of different types of community sports and sports activities, in order to to promote urban community sports management system reform, promote the development of theory and practice of community sports contribute.

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