摘要:在学校进行新课程改革的背景下,体育运动逐渐受到广大师生的一致认可,而篮球是小学生最喜爱的运动之一。篮球运动有利于增强小学生的体质,锻炼小学生的毅力,培养 小学生合作的能力。另一方面,我国篮球后备力量缺乏是我们不得不面对的难题。而历史和 现实告诉我们,在社会zhuyi市场经济的大背景下,认清我国篮球后备资源和人才现状,解决 篮球后备人才缺乏等方面的问题。笔者通过对丽水市莲都区小学生篮球运动的现状和存在问 题进行调查与分析,得出以下结论:79367

1。莲都区小学篮球教学存在缺乏高水平篮球教师的指导的问题。通过研究发现,莲都区小学生的篮球教师学历普遍不是很高,主要都是本科毕业生。而学历在一定程度和一定方面 上体现了篮球教师的水平和素质。另一方面,莲都区小学篮球教师的篮球水平也不是很高。 这都说明了莲都区小学生缺乏高水平篮球教师的指导。

2。小学学校篮球运动基础设施不完善。也表现在两个方面:第一是缺乏篮球场地,而这 限制了莲都区小学生篮球运动的开展。第二是篮球运动器材不适合小学生进行篮球活动,由 于篮球架过高,小学生很难进行正常的篮球运动,因为过高的篮球架对小学生来说难度太大, 不利于小学生培养对篮球的兴趣。

3。相关管理部门和校领导重视程度不高。目前这种体育现状未能引起有关部门的重视, 设施、资金等好多东西不能到位。领导层也没能竭尽全力发展体育。就学校来说,领导不能 很好地掌握小学生篮球体育活动的规律,适时开放体育馆等基础设施。

针对存在的问题,笔者为丽水市莲都区小小学生篮球运动的发展提出提高小学教师水平, 完善篮球基础设施,加强监管和校领导的重视程度等措施。


Research on the status and development of primary school student of Liandu

Abstract :Under the background of new curriculum reform in school, sports gradually agreed by teachers, students, and basketball is one of  the major sports students like。Basketball is  beneficial to improve pupils' physical fitness, exercise students perseverance, cultivate pupils cooperation ability。, on the other hand, when we calm in the face of the current situation of  basketball,  a serious "outline" sharply before us, that is the serious lack of basketball reserve forces in our country, the history and reality has urged us: under the condition of socialist market  economy, clear the basketball athletics reserve talents in our country, to solve the problem of the proximate the basketball reserve talented person, the solution to China's basketball  athletics  reserve personnel training, transportation, the existing problems in the echelon construction, etc。。The author through to the liandu of elementary school students basketball situation and existing problems on investigation and analysis, the following conclusions:

1。The lotus are district primary school basketball teaching is a lack of high level teachers guidance。Through the study found that lotus area elementary student's basketball teachers degree is not high, mostly graduates, degree to a certain extent, reflects the level and quality of the basketball teachers。On the other hand, the basketball teachers' level is not high。This suggests that the lotus area elementary school students lack of high level of teacher's guidance。

2。Basketball sports infrastructure is not perfect。Also shown in two aspects。The first is  the lack of the basketball court, this limits the lotus area all school children basketball  activities carried out。Is the second basketball basketball equipment is not suitable for primary school students, because the basketball stand is too high, primary school students it is difficult to grasp the basketball movement, high basketball stand for primary school students is too big, difficult for primary school students cultivate interest in basketball。














