    关键词  微带天线,双频,HFSS
    Title  The Analysis And Design Of Dual-band Micro-strip   Antennas                                              
     Now in the information society, information transmission has been greatly developed and widely applied, the 802.11 protocol group is IEEE for wireless local area network standards, and then established the 802.11a and 802.11b two protocols, the carrier frequency of 802.11b is 2.4Ghz, the frequency rate of 802.11a is 5.2GHz, in the actual production, application device 5Ghz development up more trouble, therefore has not been widely used, the range of use of 802.11a is limited, 802.11a equipment manufacturers in order to cope with such market lack of technology, gives the corresponding improvement, at the same time, dual-frequency microstrip antenna technology becomes more and more important. There are many ways for microstrip antennas to implement double or multiple frequencies. One is the dual-frequency micro strip patch antenna; another is the printed monopole antenna. This paper firstly introduced the basic background of related antennas and general principles of these antennas and then introduced the related theory of slot antenna, after that specifically described the method about how to make a dual-frequency micro strip antenna, finally gave out the simulated results, and got some basic data. It meets the requirement of paper about 2.4 GHz and 5.2 GHz.
    Keywords  micro-strip antenna,dual-band,HFSS
    目  次
        1.引言    1
    1.1微带天线的背景    2
    1.2天线的分类及特点    2
    1.3天线的应用及发展    3
    1.4微带天线的小型化技术    4
    1.5微带天线的宽频技术    4
    1.6微带天线的圆极化技术    5
    1.7本篇论文的内容安排    5
    1.8实验要求    6
        2. 微带天线的基本理论    7
    2.1天线的基本电参数    7
    2.2微带天线的辐射机理    9
    2.3微带天线的理论分析方法    11
    2.4微带天线的馈电方式    13
        3.双频微带天线的设计    16
    3.1无线局域网介绍    16
    3.2天线的双、多频技术    17
    3.3缝隙天线的研究    18
    3.4双频微带天线的设计    21
    3.5天线的性能    30
        结论与展望    31
        致谢    32
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