     毕业论文关键词: 传感器;测量;原理;提示
    Innovation Laboratory / Studio -- embedded intelligent function unit
    Abstract: the middle school science and technology education to set up science education curriculum, extracurricular science activities as the main carrier. Through the teaching scientific basic knowledge and skills to students, cultivate students advocating the spirit of science, the formation of scientific thinking methods, improve the students' scientific quality, so as to promote the scientific quality improvement. Local educational administrative departments and schools should fully realize the science and technology education is an integral part of the comprehensive implementation of quality education, and actively carry out science and education to the students, the dissemination of scientific thinking, cultivating students' innovative spirit and practical ability to promote the healthy development of students has important significance, must give this work in an important position, and grab results. In the global financial crisis, many enterprises can't adapt to the environment change, have fallen. There are a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises, the lack of independent research and development capacity, which will not be able to adapt to the change rapidly in the world. The continuous innovation, continue to embrace change, creative enterprises, but can withstand the harsh environment in the financial turmoil, survive.
    Keywords:  sensor;Measurement;Principle;Prompt      
    1 前言.1
    1.1  国内外研究现状与水平1
    1.2     发展趋势….1
    2 嵌入式系统与传感器的介绍…..2
    2.1  嵌入式系统..2
    2.1.1  嵌入式系统简介..2
    2.1.2  zigbee的介绍…..3
    2.2  传感器介绍….5
    2.2.1 传感器的特点与作用…..6
    2.2.2 水银开关..7
    2.2.3 门磁开关…7
    2.2.4 光电开关..8
    2.2.5 微动开关.…..13
    3  厨房防火安全与火灾隐患排查装置.14
    3.1  总布局介绍..14
    3.2  门窗模块…..17
    3.3  毛巾模块…..19
    3.4  zigbee的数据格式与程序的分析….21
    3.4.1  zigbee的数据格式分析….21
    3.4.2  zigbee的程序分析….23
    4  智能化厨房消防安全体验…...............29
    4.1    智能化厨房29
    4.1.1    智能化厨房描述….29
    4.1.2    智能化厨房功能….29
    4.2    控制系统..31
    4.3 环境布置.32
    4.4     实施说明.32
    5 结论分析与现实运用…....32
    1 前言
    1.1  国内外研究现状与水平
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