    摘要本设计以天线设计软件HFSS为平台设计一款中心频率为35GHz的8mm波的微带贴片天线,并且要求天线增益不低于 10dB,带宽不低于中心频率的 8%。本文论述了毫米波微带天线的发展历程和趋势、天线工作的基本原理以及设计的基本思路,重点说明了在HFSS 仿真环境下进行设计所需要的工作及步骤,最后对设计仿真的结果作了展示。本文对天线设计中贴片的尺寸需求,介质板材料及尺寸的选择等因素均进行了计算分析,同时在利用HFSS 设计仿真软件进行设计的过程中,对文件建立、环境设置、天线模型的建立以及设置天线进行仿真等操作都进行了图像数据的记录和整理。仿真完成后,导出仿真结果,截图记录了 S11参数与频率的图像,天线的雷达方向图,3D模型图等并进行分析比对,记录获得的关键数据,最后将记录得到的数据和预期数据进行比对分析,分析出现的问题和原因,得出本次设计的结果。26759
    毕业论文关键词 毫米波天线 微带天线 HFSS 设计软件
    Title The Design of Millimeter Wave Microstrip Antenna
    The design choose the software HFSS as the major media to finish the subject-design
    a millimeter wave microstrip antenna with a center frequency of 35GHz in 8mm band,
    and the gain of the antenna shall not less than 10dB,also the bandwidth should
    not less than the 8% of the center frequency. In the article some basic theories
    of the antenna are introduced, the idea of the design are also involved. Some
    problem faced in the work are shown in the pages and the solutions are offered
    too. The simulation and debugging will be another key point of this design. The
    demand for the size of the patch antenna design, material and size of the medium
    plate selection factors are calculated and analyzed. At the same time when the
    job going, important steps such as build the file structure, modify the work
    environments, model and simulation of the antenna setting, pictures or data shall
    be written down for later uses. After we finish the simulation, export the results
    and take a screenshot of some particular images for example the S11-frequency curve,
    the radar pattern and the 3D model chart and take them into comparison and analysis,
    get the key data. Then put the new ones with the originals, draw the problems and
    deal them, and get the conclusion.
    Keywords millimeter-wave antenna microstrip antenna HFSS
    目 次
    1 引言 1
    1.1 微带天线 1
    1.2 毫米波微带天线的现状及发展 1
    1.2.1 毫米波微带天线的背景及发展现状 1
    1.2.2 国内对毫米波微带天线技术的研究 3
    1.3 设计毫米波微带天线应该考虑的问题 4
    1.4 本文主要内容 4
    2 微带天线基本理论 6
    2.1 微带天线的分类 6
    2.2 微带天线的参数 6
    2.3 微带辐射器的原理 7
    2.4 微带天线的分析方法 8
    3 微带天线的设计与仿真单元 9
    3.1 微带天线的分析方法 9
    3.2 利用 HFSS 对天线进行设计与仿真.12
    3.2.1 求解微带天线因数 12
    3.2.2 新建文件及环境设置 12
    3.2.3 建立微带天线模型 15
    3.2.4 天线的仿真 24
    3.2.5 本章小结 31
    结 论 32
    致 谢 33
    参考文献 34
    1 引言
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