    关键词  辐射计  辐射特性  水面目标  建模
    Title  Modeling and analysis of millimeter wave radiation characteristics of water surface target            
    A millimeter wave radiometer can keep all day working. Compared with the infrared, the millimeter wave has a smaller attenuation of the atmosphere and a strong   ability to distinguish between the metal target and the ambient environment. Compared with the microwave, the millimeter wave has a better directionality, the anti-interference ability and the detection performance .
    The radiation characteristics of the sky, the water surface and the target have the corresponding antenna temperature which have a notable difference. Three millimeter wave radiometer can contrast resolution brightness temperature , with small volume, and is easy to carry, so it can overcome difficult weather for all day work for dynamic monitoring system of water pollution, which has important significance and practical value to monitor water environment accurately and timely.
    In the actual experiment, we test the radiation temperature of the sky and water surface first in which the metal boxes tied by the rope around the lake were drawn back and forth, the change of the radiation plan was observed, and the metal target was judged. Then the radiation temperatures of water plastic foam, metal ball, and carton goal are compared, which proved that millimeter wave radiometer can detect the surface of the target effectively.
    Keywords  radiometer, Radiation characteristics, Water surface target, modeling4
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  毫米波背景    1
    1.2   国内外发展前景    2
    2  毫米波成像原理辐射特性    5
    2.1 毫米波成像原理    5
    2.2  毫米波辐射计    8
    3  水面,金属,天空的对比度和辐射特性    13
    3.1  天空的亮度温度    13
    3.2  水面的亮度温度    15
    3.3  对天空水面辐射特性测试    16
    4  水面目标辐射特性数据分析    21
    4.1水污染的分类    21
    4.2  实际测试数据    22
    结  论    25
    致  谢    27
    1  引言
    1.1  毫米波背景
    由于毫米波的波长处与微波和红外线之间,所以它同时具有微波和红外线两者的特点,同时他也有着自己独特的性质。毫米波比微波的指向性要准确一点,不怕外界环境的干扰,可以探测的范围广;同红外线相比,毫米波衰减小,在探测金属目标方面尤其突出。毫米波和微波的发展时间是差不多的。但在微波技术被人们广泛认可应用的时候,由于毫米波的一些关键技术难题得不到解决,导致毫米波并不是广为人知。但是从本世纪的80年代以来,随着毫米波频段武器逐渐热门,它的系统研发也开始被全世界所有发达国家所关注,尤其是90年代的到来,随着科学技术的发展,带动了整个毫米波领域的高速发展,也使得它在通信工程、遥感控制、探测制导与雷达等方面被充分使用。在现代战争中,为了对抗各种主动、被动式以及主被动复合式毫米波制导武器,烟幕所带来的隐蔽效果既实用经济性也好。如果是毫米波设备主动探测的话,毫米波会被烟幕极大的衰减,从而影响了接收机的接收强度,那么回波所反馈的信息里面就没有目标信息;若是对于被动式的毫米波探测设备,烟幕可以利用自己的辐射特性来掩饰目标的辐射特性形成混乱。所以,烟幕这两个方面的作用都能够达到隐蔽目标、保护目标的目的。我们可以看到,毫米波技术发展的前景很是光明,特别是向高频段的毫米波在武器方面的应用发展 。
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