    1. 针对全双工中继解码转发策略,研究了四种经典波束成形算法:奇异值分解(Singular value decomposition, SVD)、迫零(Zero-forcing, ZF)、最小均方误差(Minimum mean square error, MMSE)、最大化信干比(Maximum signal to interference ratio, Max-SIR)之后,提出了基于最大化信干噪比加最大化信泄噪比(Maximum signal to interference and noise ratio plus maximum signal to leakage and noise ratio, Max-SINR plus Max-SLNR)的波束成形算法。仿真结果表明:在和速率及误码率方面,提出的方法均优于其他四种方法。30143
    2. 针对全双工中继放大转发策略,研究了五种高性能的波束成形算法,主要是基于SVD、Max-SLNR、ZF的预编码向量和基于SVD、MMSE的权重矢量设计。仿真结果表明:奇异值分解加最小均方误差加奇异值分解加奇异值分解(SVD plus MMSE plus SVD plus SVD, SMSS)性能最优,且在中继进行自干扰消除的性能要优于在中继发送端进行的干扰预消除。
    关键词  全双工中继,多输入多输出,自干扰, ,预编码,和速率,误码率。
    Title    Reduction  of  Self-interference  in  Full-duplex    MIMO  Relay  Networks                          
    Compared to half-duplex relay, full-duplex relay can significantly improve the cell coverage and double spectrum efficiency, and has a wide range of applications. However, due to the self-interference from the relay transmitter to its receiver, the performance of full-duplex relay is greatly degraded. But self-interference can be suppressed effectively by designing beamforming algorithms. This paper aims to study the self-interference suppression technology in full-duplex MIMO relay networks. The contents are as follows:
    1. For decode-and-forward, after four classical beamforming methods at relay station (RS) are investigated and compared such as singular value decomposition (SVD), zero-forcing (ZF), minimum mean square error (MMSE) and maximum signal to interference ratio (Max-SIR), a novel combined beamforming scheme maximum signal to interference and noise ratio plus maximum signal to leakage and noise ratio (Max-SINR plus Max-SLNR) is proposed. Simulations and analysis show that the proposed method performs better than the other four schemes in terms of sum rate and bit error rate.
        2. For amplify-and-forward, five high-performance beamforming schemes at RS are investigated. Their transmit beamformers are mainly based on SVD, Max-SLNR and ZF while their receive beamformers are mainly based on SVD and MMSE. The simulations show that SVD plus MMSE plus SVD plus SVD (SMSS) has the best performance among the five schemes whereas loop interference mitigation at the relay is better than loop interference pre-cancellation at the relay transmitter.
    Keywords  Full duplex, multi-input multi-output (MIMO), self-interference, beamforming, pre-coding, sum rate, bit error rate.
     目   次
    1  绪论  1
       1.1  全双工MIMO系统的研究背景  1
       1.2  全双工MIMO系统国内外发展现状  2
       1.3  本文的组织与结构  3
    2  传统全双工MIMO系统模型  4
       2.1  传统系统模型  4
       2.2  时域相消模型  5
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