    关键词    多普勒    雷达    矩形波导    宽边缝隙    天线
    Title the doppler radar and antenna of human vital signs detection                    
    Abstract  Vital signs detection technology has developed and improved continuously under the impetus of the technical progress. Doppler radar and waveguide slot array antenna technology are the key technologies discussed in this topic.
      This paper will first introduce the doppler effect and its detection principle briefly. According to the derivation of the basic radar equation, ideal device structures will be used to build the doppler radar in ADS to verify doppler frequency shift. And then the waveguide slot array antenna which can improve radar precision will also be studied. Waveguide slot array antenna is a rectangular waveguide with several slots opened on the surface, which can satisfy certain requirements of antenna. For rectangular waveguide width edge longitudinal slot array, offset and length of the slot are the key design elements. This paper will introduce two different methods including Elliott method and the equivalent input conductance method using MATLAB and HFSS as auxiliary tool respectively to calculate the offset and length of a four yuan slot array antenna. At last, all the design data will be used to structure a complete antenna model in HFSS. And according to the results of the simulation, we can compare the advantages and disadvantages of this two methods.
    Keywords    Doppler         radar       rectangular waveguide  wide-brimmed slot       antenna
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景与意义    1
    1.2  研究现状    1
    1.3  发展趋势    2
    1.4  本文的结构和安排    2
    2 多普勒人体生命体征检测雷达    3
    2.1 多普勒雷达    3
    2.1.1 多普勒效应    3
    2.1.2 雷达探测原理    3
    2.2  雷达方程    4
    2.3  ADS系统仿真    7
    2.3.1  ADS原理图设计    7
    2.3.2  仿真结果    11
    2.4  本章小结    12
    3  波导缝隙天线    13
    3.1  波导缝隙基本理论    13
    3.1.1  波导上的缝隙    13
    3.1.2  矩形波导上缝隙的等效    13
    3.1.3  缝隙归一化电导或电阻    14
    3.1.4  孤立缝隙特性    14
    3.2  波导缝隙阵列天线    16
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