    摘要随着通信的发展,频带的日益紧张,这就使得对带通滤波器的指标要求越来越高。更高的性能指标、更小的尺寸重量、更低的成本已成为新一代滤波器必须满足的基本要求,这对于滤波器的设计的来说是个前所未有的挑战,传统的滤波器设计方法已经越来越不能满足现代科技的发展。而随着对新型人工电磁媒质不断深入地研究,发现了越来越多新型人工电磁材料的神奇特性,这给滤波器的设计带来了新的思路与方法。本文介绍了新型人工电磁媒质的意义及背景,并介绍了其发展历程和相关应用;本文还阐述了左手材料负折射效应、反常多普勒效应、反常切伦科夫辐射效应、完美透镜、反常GoosHanchen位移等等特性,并介绍了点缺陷、空位缺陷、面缺陷对左手材料特性的影响;最后,本文通过HFSS软件设计了一个基于互补式人工媒质结构的中心频率为2.1GHz的带通滤波器,并详细介绍了通过改变基本人工媒质结构的材料、尺寸等对带通滤波器的影响。关键词  带通滤波器  新型人工电磁媒质  左手材料   HFSS软件8314
    Title    Filter Design and Simulation Based on the Novel     Artificial Metamatials                                                  
    With the development of communication and increasingly tense of the band, which makes the band-pass filter indicators become more and more demanding. Higher performance, smaller size, lighter weight, lower cost, has become a basic requirements to the new generation of filter. It is a unprecedented challenge for the filter design, and the traditional filter design methods have been increasingly unable to meet the development of modern technology. With the deepening of research on the Novel Artificial Metamatials, we discovered more and more magical properties of the Novel Artificial Metamatials, and that brought new ideas and methods to filter design. This article describes the significance and background of the Novel Artificial Metamatials, and its course of development and related applications. This article also explains the left-handed material negative refraction, anomalous Doppler effect, anomalous Cherenkov radiation effect, the perfect lens, the abnormal GoosHanchen displacement characteristics, and affect on the left-handed materials with point defects, vacancy defects, and surface defects. Finally, with HFSS software design a band-pass filter  based on the complementary artificial medium structure with 2.1GHz center frequency, and describe the details of band-pass filter by changing the structure of the material of the basic artificial medium, size, etc
    Keywords  band-pass filter  Novel Artificial Metamatials  Left-handed materials   HFSS
    目   次
    1  引言 1
    1.1  新型人工电磁媒质   1
    1.2  新型人工电磁媒质发展背景与历史   2
    1.3  新型人工电磁媒质的应用   3
    2  左手材料介绍  5
    2.1  左手材料与新型人工电磁媒质的关系   5
    2.2  左手材料的特性   5
    2.2.1   负折射特性   6
    2.2.2   多普勒反常特性   6
    2.2.3   切伦科夫辐射反常特性   7
    2.2.4   完美透镜特性   8
    2.2.5   GoosHanchen位移反常特性   9
    2.3  缺陷的引入对左手材料特性的影响   10
    2.3.1   点缺陷和空位缺陷对左手材料特性的影响    10
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