    Study on the problems and Countermeasures of kindergarten outdoor activities.
                  -- A kindergarten in Xuchang city as an example
    Abstract: Kindergarten outdoor activities, to enhance their physique, promote children's health, the ability development of children, has an irreplaceable role. This paper is the investigation into the present situation of kindergarten outdoor games. To study the problem of existing problems, from the kindergarten outdoor activities in the outdoor activity time outdoor game content is not rich, the single form of organization, equipment and facilities is not perfect, there are security risks, the use of interviews and survey analysis, according to the above problems and put forward reasonable arrangement time, design content rich activities, to take a variety of the form of organization, to update facilities. Suggestions on how to improve the teachers' consciousness of safety, in order to improve the effective development of kindergarten outdoor activities.
    Keywords: kindergarten ;outdoor games; organization form
    目 录
    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、幼儿户外游戏活动概述    2
    (一)幼儿园户外游戏活动的含义    2
    (二)幼儿园户外游戏活动的价值与意义    2
    二、幼儿园大班户外游戏活动开展存在的问题及成因    3
    (一)户外游戏活动时间安排    3
    (二)户外游戏活动内容设计    4
    (三)户外游戏活动组织方式    5
    (四)户外游戏活动设施配备    5
    (五)户外游戏活动安全隐患    6
    三 、有效开展户外游戏活动的对策    6
    (一)合理安排活动时间    6
    (二)设计丰富活动内容    7
     (三)采取多样组织形式    7
     (四)及时更新活动设备    7
     (五)提高教师安全意识    7
    参考文献    9
    附录I    10
    附录II    11   
    致谢    12

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