摘要本文采用等通道转角挤压塑性变形法(ECAP)制备了 1,2,4,8 道次的纯钽样品,随着样品道次的增加,样品的硬度和强度都会增大,晶粒尺寸也随之细化,经过8 道次等通道转角挤压得到了超细晶钽。采用应变速率跃变实验法测出各道次纯钽样品的应变速率敏感性指数 m,m 值随道次的增加逐渐减小。应用重复应力松弛实验法测出各道次纯钽样品的塑性变形激活体积 V,发现激活体积随应力的增加而增加,随道次的增加而减小。21602
将经典理论公式和以扭结模型为基础的理论公式进行对比,用实验测得的m和 V与理论计算得到 m和 V进一步验证。 毕业论文关键词 等通道转角挤压 应变速率敏感性 激活体积 重复应力松弛
Title Ultrafine-grained pure tantalum’s strain rate sensitivity index and activation volume of plastic
In this paper, 1,2,4,8 passes pure tantalum samples were prepared by
ECAP.With the increase of the sample passes, the hardness and strength will
get inproved, grain size also subsequently refined,Elongate ultra fined
grain tantalum was obtained after 8 ECAP passes.Using strain rate jump
experiment measured each pass of pure tantalum sample strain rate
sensitivity index m, m values decrease with an increase of passes.Repeat
stress relaxation experiment measured each pass of pure tantalum samples
of plastic deformation activation volume V, found that the activation
volume will increase with the increase of stress and decrease of passes.
Compared the classical theory formula with the model of kink pairs foemula,
the experimentlly measured m , V and theory calculated m, V were obtained
further authentication.
Keywords Equal-channel Angular Pressing Strain Rate Sensitivity
Activation Volume Repeated Stress Relaxation
目 次
1. 绪论1
1.1 工业纯钽 1
1.2 剧烈塑性变形法 1
1.3 应变速率敏感因子 5
1.4 激活体积 11
1.6 激活体积 V 与应变速率敏感因子 m 的关系 17
2. 实验细节 18
2.1 ECAP 制备18
2.2 EBSD 分析 18
2.3 硬度 18
2.4 应变速率突变拉伸实验结果与分析 18
2.5 重复应力松弛实验 19
3. 实验结果及讨论 20
3.1 EBSD 图像分析20
3.2 硬度检测 20
3.3 应变速率突变实验 21
3.4 重复应力松弛实验 22
3.5 m 与 V的关系23
3.6 实验测得的结果与公式的比对25
4. 结论27
致谢 28
参考文献 291. 绪论
1.1 工业纯钽
钽是73 号元素,属于过渡金属,呈灰蓝色,主要同共存于铌钽铁矿中 ] 1 [
坚硬,熔点高达2996℃,富有延展性,热膨胀系数小,冰洁具有良好的耐腐蚀性, 不
1.2 剧烈塑性变形法(Severe Plastic Deformation,简称 SPD)
量,能制备出具有高致密度的大角度晶粒,制备的试样具有良好的稳定性,没有 机械损伤和裂纹,并且制备的大块体材料利于加工应用。已经成为超细晶材料研