关键字:激光雷达、压缩感知、稀疏分解、信号重建 毕业论文设计说明书外文摘要
Title Compressed sensing theory in the application of laser radar
Laser radar operating frequency is high,imaging resolution is sighicantly improved compared with conventional microwave.In recent years, the laser radar technology and imaging effect is better and better,ts for hardware,the required data collection proces has became increasingly large,which made high and cost demands on the hardware.Compressed sensing theory using the sparse characteristic of the signal, the collected signal without obey the Nyquist specific reason, only need to collect a few necessary signal, can accurately reconstruct the original signal, the theory has had a huge impact on the development of laser radar. This paper first discusses the basic principle of laser radar, then,the measurement of sparse representation of signal, compression, accurate reconstruction research, focuses on the two basic reconstruction method, and simulated with sine signal,verify the feasibility of the compression perception by comparing the signal to noise ratio and other parameters.Finally combining compression perception and laser radar with an approximation of the radar signal, based on the sparse sampling number in reduce the amount of measurement, it is concluded that compression perception on the laser radar has a wide range of applications.
Keywords: Laser radar, compressed sensing, signal sparse decomposition,signal reconstruction
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 论文的研究背景和意义 1
1.2 相关研究现状 1
1.2.1 压缩感知的研究现状 1
1.2.2 激光雷达的发展现状 2
1.3 论文的结构安排 3
2 激光雷达工作原理 4
2.1 激光雷达原理及组成 4
2.2 激光雷达信号 5
3 压缩感知基本理论 7
3.1 引言 7
3.2 压缩感知理论基本原理 7
3.3 信号的稀疏变换 8
3.4 测量矩阵 9
3.5 重建算法 10
3.5.1 最小L1范数的典型凸优化算法 11
3.5.2 正交匹配算法 12
3.6 压缩感知理论在激光雷达成像中的应用 14
4 模拟仿真 15
4.1 有噪声正弦信号的压缩感知模拟仿真 15