摘要:随着经济的发展以及工业技术的提升,人们对环保的要求不断提高,相应的对绿色光源的需求也与日俱增。LED 是被公认的第四代光源,是 21 世界最有前景的新光源,将取代白炽灯和日光灯成为照明市场的主导。伴随 LED 发光效率的提高,特别是在上世纪九十年代末白光LED 的发明, 为 LED 在照明领域的应用打开了空间,使之成为继白炽灯、荧光灯、高压气体放电灯之后的新一代光源。在LED 封装过程中,荧光粉、硅胶及封装结构等都对光通量产生直接影响。在顺应时势的情况下,LED 得到了很好的利用和发展。LED 具有体积小,开启快,无频闪,节能环保,绿色耐用等优点。经过长期的研究发展,今年的诺贝尔奖获得领域即为LED 领域,因而对于 LED 的研究是近几年的发展潮热期。然而,尽管如此,对于 LED 的综合全面研究基础资料却亟待加强完善,针对晚来的入门者来说,很难找到全面的基础研究资料,进行自我研究学习和了解。基础光源的性能大同小异,本文主要以 3014 为研究对象,通过基本的设计以及光电热性能分析,对光源的性能做一个全面的分析和解剖。针对光源的设计以及光性能而言, 本文设计的研究方法是在改变光源支架设计结构,控制其余的另外一切变量同等的情况下进行封装,并对支架改变前后的成品光源进行光通量等光性能的测试对比分析, 从而探索支架设计的改变对于光性能的影响情况。此外,本文还针对同一种 3014 光源进行不同时长的老化,然后对不同老化期限的光源进行对比测试分析。 老化的方式有点亮的情况下进行的电学老化以及未点亮的情况下进行的环境老化。针对光源的热性能分析,本文主要研究方法是使用对同一 3014 光源进行一定温度梯度的热性能分析, 研究节温、 热阻以及电压随着温度变化而改变的情况,从而分析温度变化对三者的影响。针对光源的电性能分析,本文进行的研究内容是在恒流的情况下,针对同等封装条件的 3014 光源进行不同输入电压的测试,从而了解该光源的最低开启电压以及最佳输入电压。36094
毕业论文关键词: LED;LED 设计;LED 支架;LED 光性能;LED 热性能;LED 电性能;光通量
Low power (3014) LED light design and performanceanalysis
Abstract : With the development of economy and the ascension of industrialtechnology, the requirement of environmental protection gradually strengthens, sothere is an increasing demand for green light source. LED, as the fourth generationof light source, is the 21st century the most promising new light source, which willreplace the incandescent lamp and fluorescent lamp and become the dominant in thelighting market. With the enhancement of LED luminous efficiency, especially in the90s of last century, the invention of the white LED opens the space for the applicationof LED in lighting field, making it a new generation of light source followingincandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp and high pressure gas discharge lamp. In the caseof temporization, LED has achieved good use and development. LED has manyadvantages such as a small size, a fast opening time, no stroboscopic, energyconservation, environmental protection, and durable wait. Through long-term researchand development, the Nobel Prize is awarded to the field of LED this year, and so thestudy of the LED will become a developing trend in recent years. However, in spite ofabove these, the comprehensive research of basic data for LED still needs to beimproved, e.g., the impact of fluorescent powder, silica gel and encapsulationstructure on flux in the process of LED encapsulation, because it is difficult to find thebasis of comprehensive data for the late starters to learn and understand myself. Inthis article , a comprehensive analysis was performed on the performance oflow-power 3014 through designing the basic structure and analyzing the optical andelectric performance and thermal conductivity.For the design of the light source and optical performance, under the the sameother variables, the light bracket design structure is changed and then the change ofoptical performance such as luminous flux and etc. of the finished products wasanalyzed to explore the effect of the stent design change on the properties of lightsource. In addition, the same kinds of light sources, i.e., 3014 were aged for thedifferent time, and then the lighting performance of light source with different agingperiod were comparatively tested and analyzed. Aging means include light of electrical aging and aging environment without light.As to thermal performance analysis of the light source, in this paper, the thermalperformance of the same 3014 light source was analyzed in a certain temperaturegradient. We explored the dependence of the junction temperature, thermal resistanceand voltage on the temperature change.For electrical performance analysis of light source, this paper focused on the testof different input voltage for 3014 light source with the same encapsulation conditionat the constant current, to understand the lowest opening voltage and the best inputvoltage of the light source.
下一篇:基于超短脉冲边带(Kelly sidebands)结构测量光纤色散的方法改进
















