摘要随着计算机技术的发展,光学的计算机仿真在实际工程应用和辅助教学中起着越来越重要的作用。人们已经研制出许多光学模拟软件,但是用Monte Carlo方法进行光学模拟的软件很少。本文在波动光学基本理论的基础上进行进一步的研究,建立光强表达式的概率模型,运用Monte Carlo方法,在Matlab语言环境下对典型干涉实验(杨氏双缝干涉实验、牛顿环实验)和典型衍射实验(单缝的夫琅和费衍射、多缝的夫琅和费、矩孔的夫琅和费衍射、圆孔的夫琅和费衍射、单缝的菲涅尔衍射和矩孔的菲涅尔衍射)进行了仿真,并对Monte Carlo模拟结果和传统的解析结果进行了对比分析,最后编制了完整的基于图形用户界面的软件。9766
关键词 : 波动光学,Monte Carlo,干涉,衍射,仿真,Matlab
Title Monte Carlo simulation for Typical experiment of wave optics
With the development of computer technology, the optical computer simulation plays an increasingly important role in practical engineering applications and computer aided teaching. Many optic simulation softwares have been developed, but there are few optic simulation softwares using Monte Carlo method. In this paper, we have done further research based on the basic theory of optics, and the light intensity expressions are transformed into probability models. The typical interference experiments (including Young's double slit interference experiment, Newton's ring experiment) and the typical diffraction experiments (including single-slit Fraunhofer diffraction, multi-slit Fraunhofer diffraction, the hole in the Fraunhofer diffraction, Fresnel diffraction single slit diffraction and the rectangular aperture Fresnel diffraction) have been simulated with Monte Carlo method. We carefully compared the results of the Monte Carlo simulations and analytic methods, and finally integrated the programs in GUI (graphical user interface).
Keywords: wave optics, Monte Carlo, interference, diffraction,
simulation, Matlab