摘要:青春剧作为当前发展比较快的一种中国电视剧类型,从它的发展开端的时候就影响着一代代年轻人。但中国的青春剧当前在一个单一的套路中(以励志为主),从各个角度来表现励志这么一个主题。本文以《小爸爸》为例,提出中国青春剧发展中与生活贴近不够,跟风,制作不够精良等问题。并根据问题提出力求情节贴近生活,提高创新意识,制作更用心,更专心等措施。最后针对中国青春剧的走势进行期望与分析。22165 毕业论文关键词: 青春剧;《小爸爸》;走势;
Analysis Chinese youth play by "little Daddy" trend
Abstract:As one of the rapidly development type of TV shows in China, TV serials has influencing young age since it exist. But at present, TV serials’ develop has fall into an single routine (usually about inspirational), it always focus on inspirational, so it has made Chine’s TV serials move to an dead end because of simplex topic. This essay will based on the classical TV serials “little Daddy”, to analysis some issues about China’s TV serials like herd behavior; far away from people’s life; shabby production. And recommenced some solutions such as try to close to life; improve the creativity and to be attentive and careful during production.
Key Words:Chinese youth play;"little Daddy";Trend
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