摘 要:央视《谢天谢地你来啦》一经开播,便以黑马之姿进入大众视线。作为一档电视表演真人秀节目,它不以低俗和搞怪来提升收视率,而是以一种高雅娱乐的态势把欢乐带给大家,并且得到了观众和业界的一致好评。本文主要通过案例分析和文献研究相结合的方法,对《谢》的成功因素及发展中存在的问题进行梳理和阐述,并以此为基础探索电视表演真人秀节目的成功因素。24993 毕业论文关键词:谢天谢地你来啦;表演真人秀;成功因素
Factors of Success Reality Show TV Shows
——To "Thank God you're coming" as an Example
Abstract:CCTV, "Thank God you're coming," once launched, will be to enter the dark horse of the public eye. As a TV show reality show, it's not vulgar and funny to boost ratings, and entertainment in an elegant posture bring to everyone. Praise the audience and the industry. In this paper, through case studies and literature studies combining method, "Thank" success factors and developing and sort out the problems described, and as a basis to explore the TV show reality show success factors.
Key Words:Thank god you're coming; Reality TV shows; success factors
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