毕业论文关键词:突发事件; 政务新媒体; 网络舆情; 天津塘沽爆炸事件
Emergency Government Affairs of New Media in Response to the Strategy of Network Public Opinion Analysis
--A Case Study of Tianjin Tanggu Bombing
Abstract: In recent years,the emergency network public opinion rising,the government management faces new challenges.As the government know about public opinion and response networks important carrier,new media has gained national and the local party and government organs at all levels attach great important to.A case study of Tianjin Tanggu bombing,in understanding of the basis of the definition of new media to analyze government weibo,wechat, such as client positive role in the incident,and points out its exist in the concrete implementation process,such as slow,vacuous centripental insufficient ,lack of each other based on matrix system deficiencies,such as the network public opinion of the government response to emergencies and at that time release of information,visual communication,to strengthen with netizens online interactive,new media to build persified matrix system countermeasures,such as reference,in order to realize government affairs of the media of network public opinion guiding actively,promote e-government new media development in our country.
Key Words: Emergency; Government affairs of new media; The network public opinion; Tianjin tanggu bombings
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract. 1
一、政务新媒体及突发事件网络舆情概述 2
(一)政务新媒体概念及发展 2
(二)突发事件网络舆情概述 3
二、天津塘沽爆炸事件中政务新媒体的舆情引导作用 4
(一)政务微博滚动式、全天候播报 4
(二)政务微信圈群化、精准传播 5
(三)移动政务客户端信息全面、凝聚力强 5
三、天津塘沽爆炸事件中应对网络舆情存在的问题 6
(一)反应迟钝,错失初期舆论引导 6
(二)内容空洞,发布形式单一 7
(三)互动力方面不足 7
(四)缺乏相互依托的矩阵体系 8
四、提高政务新媒体应对突发事件网络舆情能力的对策 8
(一)第一时间公布最全信息,引导舆情走向 8
(二)适应网络环境,进行可视化传播 9