    毕业论文关键词  高精度测温  PT100  ARM   PID
    Title    High Precision Temperature Measurement and Control System Design                                     
    With the progress of science and technology and the development of computer technology, the temperature measurement and control technology has been rapid development. In the modern industry and scientific research field, the temperature measurement and control precision demand is higher and higher, the precision of temperature measurement and control has great influence on scientific research or experimental work. Research on high precision temperature measurement and control equipment has a practical value and important practical significance.
    This topic was designed on using a platinum resistance and TEC semiconductor refrigeration piece of high precision temperature measurement and control system. Paper finished the hardware circuit design, including the ARM microprocessor unit circuit design, A/D circuit design, the keyboard and LCD display circuit and TEC control circuit design. And related the software design and software design flow chart.
    Paper for the design of high precision temperature measurement and control system for debugging and testing, test results show that the system key performance indicators to meet the design specification requirements. This system has been applied in the infrared MRTD testing system, achieved good results.
    Keywords  High precision temperature measurement  PT100  ARM  PID
     目   次
    1  引言  1
    2  方案设计  3
    2.1  设计指标  3
    2.2  硬件选择  4
    3  硬件电路设计  10
    3.1  微处理器电路设计  10
    3.2  测温电路设计  11
    3.3  显示与键盘电路设计  15
    3.4  温度控制电路设计  18
    3.5  电源  20
    4  软件设计  21
    4.1  软件总体设计  21
    4.2  测温软件设计  23
    4.3  显示与键盘软件设计  26
    4.4  温度控制模块软件设计  29
    5  硬件连接与系统测试  31
    5.1  硬件实物图与连接效果图  31
    5.2  系统性能测试  34
    结论   38
    致谢   39
    参考文献   40
    1  引言
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