    毕业论文关键词:海滨盐沼湿地 碳汇 碳循环 影响因素
    Abstract:Wetland is the earth surface transition, formed by the interaction of a very unique ecosystems, and an important carbon sink in the earth surface system. In recent years, it has attracted worldwide attention because of its high primary productivity and relatively slow rate of organic matter degradation and effective blue carbon sinks, and alleviating global warming. Coastal zone of salt marsh vegetation high productivity is of great significance to the formation of wetland soil carbon library, different plants of wetland ecosystem carbon input and output functions have different degrees of influence, so as to change the way of ecosystem carbon cycle. And coastal salt marsh wetland have higher carbon deposition rate and carbon sequestration ability, plays an important role in reducing global warming, and saline soil is the largest of coastal salt marsh wetland carbon balance research organic carbon library, study the carbon deposition and burial for understanding coastal wetland carbon balance is important. Salt marsh wetland biogeochemical processes, unique ecosystem CO2 is the exchange of existing huge complexity and uncertainty. China has a wide distribution in coastal salt marsh wetland, and further study of coastal salt marsh wetland carbon cycle is helpful to the understanding of the global carbon cycle and global change, and for the use of coastal wetland for carbon emissions increase remit to provide scientific basis.
    Key words: the coastal salt marshes  carbon sequestration  carbon cycle   effect factors
    陆地生态系统是全球碳循环的重要组成部分,在全球碳收支中占主导地位。据估计,陆地生态系统碳贮量达2100Gt,其中三分之二贮藏在土壤中[1-2]。湿地生态系统土壤碳储量约 450Pg(Pg=1015g),占全球土壤总储量的三分之一[3]。尽管全球湿地面积仅占陆地面积的4%-6%,但是其碳储量却占陆地碳库的12%-20%,相比于农业生态系统、温带森林生态系统以及热带雨林生态系统储量都要高。滨海湿地则是介于陆地和海洋生态系统之间复杂的自然综合体,它包括在海陆交互作用下被水体浸淹的沿海低地,潮间带滩地以及低潮时水深不超过6m的浅海水域,盐沼、滩涂等。
    近年来,作为全球“蓝色碳汇”的主要贡献者,有高等植被覆盖的潮间带湿地(红树林沼泽和盐沼)的碳循环受到了极大的关注。盐沼广泛存在于世界中高纬度地区滨海淤泥质海岸的潮间带,以温带分布最为广泛,其植被类型以多年生文管束草本植物为主;据不完全统计,全球现存盐沼的面积约为0.22×10 6km2.湿地生态系统因其营养贫乏、气温低以及水淹等条件而致植物分解率低, 大量碳以泥炭有机质的形式不断堆积,而沿海湿地碳的积累速率为 C(210±20)g•m-2•a-1要远远高于泥炭湿地[4],并且沿海湿地大量存在的SO2-4粒子抑制了甲烷的产生,从而降低了甲烷的排放量[5]使得单位面积的滨海湿地在全球变暖的情况下可能是更有价值的碳汇,研究其碳循环具有着重要的意义。
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