1。1Research background

On 2015 Nov 13th, a series of terrorist attacks occurred in Paris again。 Hundreds of people were killed。 At least six shooting incidents occurred that night。 In January 2015, the French "Charlie weekly" magazine office had been attacked by extremist terrorist, resulting in 17 deaths。 Over the year, the French terrorist attacks have continued to ring the alarm and grow in intensity。 In the face of continuously attacks, people feel panic。 The whole world has to think about the root causes of terrorism。 论文网

France has always been known as the heart of Europe。 European values and political thinking were developed quite a lot from the French Enlightenment and the great revolution in eighteenth Century。 But from the late twentieth Century to early twenty-first Century, there are many terrorist attacks happened in Europe and the fear of Islam is growing。 With the increasing size of the Muslim community and the increasing influence of Islam, the unprecedented growth of European Muslims has brought great challenges to the Europe。 Huntington (1993) also argues that civilizational conflicts are "particularly prevalent between Muslims and non-Muslims"。 After the end of the cold war, the Western world who lost its old adversary establishes Islam as a new adversary。 What the Europe is confronted with is the inevitable clash of civilization。 文献综述

France is the most populous Muslim country in the European Union。 Data show that France has about 6 million 500 thousand Muslims, accounting for 10% of the total population of France, and about half of the people have a French nationality。 The distribution of the Muslim community in France is a microcosm of other European countries。 This paper hopes to make contribution to the study of the conflict between different civilizations。来,自.优;尔:论[文|网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

1。2Significance of the Study

This paper aims to analyze the civilization conflict behind this astonishing terrorist attack。 According to Huntington’s (1993, p。 22) theory, “it is my hypothesis that the fundamental source of the conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic。 The great pisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural” and “the clash of civilizations will dominate global politics。 The fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future”。 These new terrorist attack has been internalized in some sense because this terrorist attack in Paris has been more severe than the 911 terrorist attack in 2001。 In the attack on the Pentagon, it is usually interpreted as a reflection of the conflict between different states。 The author thinks that: the opposition becomes more inward and albeit in a different form: civilization form。 This paper hopes to arouse people's awareness of current and potential cultural conflict and to demonstrate the current international cultural environment of unrest。 The author believes that the occurrence of terrorist attacks is the result of the conflict between different cultures。

The author wants to explore the deep causes of the bad attack and find a solution。 In the process of globalization, the political integration is more and more clear today。 Coordination of various cultural conflicts is the fundamental strategy。 This paper hopes to guide readers to look at the current problems with an objective and impartial perspective。 This paper also hopes to contribute to the promotion of the dialogue and peaceful coexistence of Islamic culture and the Western culture。 People need to analyze the world conflict rationally and rebuild the world civilization order so as to truly eradicate the basis of the terrorist crime。

















