Abstract: The purpose of the present article is to throw light upon some factors which are possible to lead to conflicts in Chinese marriage and American marriage, to explore these marital factors from the cultural perspective, and hopefully, to provide those who are interested in the comparison of Chinese and American marriage with some valuable descriptions and slightly worthwhile suggestions for better adaption in cross-cultural marriage。88287

Key words: cultural, Chinese and American marriage 


1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Research Background 1

1。2 Aims and Significance 2

1。3 Organization of 源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 the Thesis 3

2。 Research Methodology 3

2。1 Research Questions 3

2。2 Description of Subjects 4

2。3 Method of Research 4

3。 Result and Analysis 5

3。1 Ranking Questions 5

3。2 Detailed Questions 7

  3。2。1 Companionship/Contact 7

3。2。2 Communication 8

3。2。3 Understanding 9

3。2。4 Economic issues 9

3。2。5 Housekeeping and Cooking 10

3。2。6 Children 11

4。 Conclusion and Suggestion 11

4。1 Discussion and Conclusion 11

4。2 Suggestions 14

5。 Limitations and Future Directions 15

6。 Works Cited 17

7。 Appendix 20

An Analysis of Chinese and American Marital Conflicts from the Perspective of Cultural Differences

1。 Introduction  From~优E尔L论E文W网wWw.YoUeRw.com 加QQ7520.18766

1。1 Research Background

     Since different cultures are continuously exposed to each other, how the intercultural marriage and intimacy are accepted in our global society serves as the cultural parameters within which these dynamics occur。 (Mcfadden et al, 2011) And according to the 2010 U。S。 Census, about 10 % of married couples across the United States included spouses from different races or nations。 It seems that it is "sunny” in the cross-national marriage market。 

     However, marriage across racial line is often perceived negatively by family, friends, and the community (Zebroski, 1999) and as put forth by Romano in 2008, intermarriage couples will face pressure from their family, society and the difficulties concerning culture, parenting and language。 What’s more, Steil (2009) suggests that, under most circumstances, the increasing rate of cross-national marriage is regarded as increased tolerance for persity, but it also increases the possibility of cultural conflicts within marriage。   

     Since cultural communication is unavoidable in romantic relationship of cross-national groups, there are several cultural theories relating to cross-national marriage, such as Hofstede’s (1984) theory about inpidualism and collectivism, which has affected the researches about romantic relationships (e。g。, Dion & Dion, 1988, 1993)。 Based on that theory, Schmitt and his colleagues (Schmitt, 2006) find that inpiduals from East Asian score lower on emotional investment including passionate and love than those who come from the United States。 Additionally, in a 2001 national survey carried by the Gallup Organization for the National Marriage Project, 94% of unmarried young adults who are twenty to twenty-nine believe that “When you marry, you want a spouse to be your soul mate, first and foremost。” There are researches suggesting that in Asian cultures, romantic relationships are more likely to be possessed with pragmatic factors than American ones (e。g。,Sprecher & Toro, 2002; Wan, Luk, Lai, 2000)。 Other studies have also indicated that love is downplayed as the basis for marriage in collectivistic cultures (Harrell, 1992)。   

















