2。2 Review of Translators’ Views on Translation

2。2。1 Wang Zuoliang’s Views on Translation

2。2。1。1 Translation objective

 Translators’ mission is to reappear the source language’s appearance and spirit。 If the source language meticulously argues something, the target language should also meticulously argue something; if the source language waves the swing of imagination, the target language should also wave the swing of imagination。 (王佐良, 1997)

2。2。1。2 Translation principles

When translate information, aim at the meaning; when translate literature, aim at the text; when translate notes or advertisements, aim at the style。 (王佐良, 1997)

As for the meaning, we should make every effort to assure the accuracy of the content, facts, statistics, etc。 As for the text, we should strive to remain the original of the writer’s emotion, literature techniques, structures and so on。   As for the style, we should try our best to make the form, method, expression conform to the convention。

Meanings are complex。 A word has not only the direct, literal meaning, but connotative, emotional meaning。 A sentence is not simply the combination of meanings of words, its structure, pronunciation, intonation, rhythm and speed all make sense。 Sometimes, the meaning of a word or a sentence cannot be clarified by itself, but be determined by reappearing in different context。

Use syntactic linearity as far as possible, and use literal translation if necessary; any good translation is a combination of both of them。 (王佐良, 1997:3)

All follow the source language, either elegant or common; either deep or plain, not alone the tone and style。 (王佐良, 1997:3)

2。2。1。3 Translation criteria

Be reliable。 The target language should be faithful to the source language without distort or omission。 

Be readable。  The target language should be smooth and arouse people’s interest。

2。2。2 Cao Minglun’s Views on Translation

2。2。2。1 Translation objective

 Let those who don’t understand the source language know, understand and appreciate it first in meaning and secondly in style through the target language。 (曹明伦,2003)

2。2。2。2 Translation principles:文献综述

1。 Regard sentences as the smallest unit 

To translate the source language the most smoothly and naturally by understanding the content and expression of the sentence thoroughly。 (曹明伦,2004)

2。 Translate attribute into attribute

To translate the attributes and the attributive clauses which modify and determine nouns into attributes。 (曹明伦,2004)

3。 Find equivalent in the source language

Just as what H。 C。 Tolman says in The Art of Translating: When reading a word of the source language, we shouldn’t think of an equivalent word in our mother tongue immediately, but connect the word with what it represents first。 (qtd。 in 曹明伦, 2013:91 ), Cao holds the view that translators shouldn’t take the meaning of a word of the source language out of a dictionary without elaborating what the writer wants to convey by this word。 To make the translation faithful, one should find the word’s meaning in the source language。 

4。 Pay attention to the rhythm when translating essays

















