Acknowledgements I would like to deliver my sincere gratitude to those who help me complete this thesis。 

Firstly, I am especially grateful to Professor Cao, my tutor, who has offered me many suggestions。 Before I started my writing, he listened to my thoughts, talk with me about my topic and showed positive attitude towards my ideas, which strengthened my confidence greatly。 He also provided me with guidance towards my outline。 Based on my outline, I was able to develop my thesis by myself in a clear thread。 With his enlightenment and definite support, I finally finished my thesis in time。 89002

Then, a mention should also be made of all the courses I have attended, especially American Literature, which arouses my great interests towards The Great Gatsby and Nick。 The class led me to know The Great Gatsby and gave opportunities to have a presesntation about it。 Therefore, I not only have great curiosity and interests towards this book, but also possess certain knowledge about the backgrounds and the author。 All these elements do help me a lot。 

Lastly my thankfulness also goes to some of my friends, who gave me encouragements and useful advice。 

Abstract In The Great Gatsby, Nick’s self-contained morality of reserving judgements and true feelings, which specifically means he doesn’t judge anyone absolutely and expresses his own feelings at the certain time, finally makes him a narrator of sense and sensibility。 

As a narrator, he’s able to tell the story from the outside objectively。 However, his performance is not the real reflection of the whole judgements in his mind。 He admits his tender curiosity and interests in Jordan, but he reserves his judgements of her and hides some predudices。 Such toleration also can be seen when he keeps silience to the disloyalty between Tom and Daisy or luxuriant life of the upper class。 Though he adopts an attitude of doubt and scorn to Gatsby at first, he doesn’t negate Gatsby, remaining a suitable relationship with him。 In this period, Nick leaves others an image of morality and conforms his moral way of respecting everyone。

Nick cannot control his sensibilty all the time since he also participants most events in The Great Gatsby。 Because of his reserved judgements, there is enough space for him to change his attitude and feelings。 After the moment when Nick knows the love story of Gatsby and Daisy, true feelings prevail。 He doubts Gatsby but not denies, so his sympathy for Gatsby finally turns out to be the precious friendship between them。 He tolerates Tom and Daisy but keeps contempt in mind, so his disgust for them draws him escape from the east at the end。 And the transition from his sense to sensibility in this fiction would be focused on。源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网 原文+QQ75201-8766

Nick’s morality is not a principle without any change, instead, it is filled with his thoughts and love。 How such morality can enlighten today’s society may also be a key point。

Key words: morality, sense, reserved judgements, sensibility, true feelings

A Narrator of Sense and Sensibility: Nick’s morality in The Great Gatsby 


Abstract 3

     Introduction 。。4

1。 Essence and Background of Nick’s Morality。6

1。1 Essence of Nick’s Morality6

1。1。1 Reserved Judegments6

1。1。2 Real Feelings。6

1。2 The Relationship Between Nick’s Background and Morality7

1。2。1 Growing Enviroment and Family7

1。2。2 Education and Experience。。7

1。2。3 Personalities and Characteristics。8

2。 Nick’s Morality in the Prior Period:Sense and Reserved judgements8

2。1 Nick’s Adoration and Prejudice towards Jordan。。9

2。2 Nick’s Toleration and Derogatory Judgements towards the Riches10

















