1。3 Overview of the thesis源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

Totally speaking, there are mainly five chapters。 

Chapter One (Introduction) briefly introduces the social background and the advantages of adopting the teaching method of cooperative learning in English class nowadays, and also the origin of this study’s theme。 And the necessity of this study is showed by the significance of the research。

Chapter Two (Literature Review) states the definition of cooperative learning, presents different studies on cooperative learning both abroad and at home, from which the development of cooperative learning theory could be seen。 Moreover, it introduces some theories and studies related with student’s role in cooperative learning, such as Belbin’s role theory and the role of group leader in cooperative learning。

Chapter Three (Research Design) introduces the design of the research。 There are mainly two methods taken in this research, namely classroom observation and personal case study。 This study is mainly conducted in the No。13 Middle School in Hangzhou, and it was carried out in Class 9, Grade 8, from Sep。26th to Nov。26th。 The research questions are as follows: 

1) What is the current situation of Grade eight student’s role pision in cooperative learning activity in English class? 

2) What is the relationship between student’s role pision and role consciousness?

3) What are the ways to promote the efficiency of cooperative learning from the perspective of student’s role?

Chapter Four (Results and Analysis) presents the data of this study and makes some analysis。 Conclusions are drawn from the classroom observation and personal case study。

Chapter Five (Findings) states the findings of this study and lists them in three aspects: current situation of role pision, relationship between role pision and role consciousness, and promoting the efficiency of cooperative learning from the perspective of role consciousness。 And suggestions which aim to promote the efficiency of cooperative learning are proposed accordingly。

Chapter Two Literature Review

2。1 Cooperative learning

2。1。1 Definition of Cooperative learning来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766

The word cooperate, which means two people, or more than two people, work together in order to achieve a common goal, is widely used around the world nowadays(Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 8th ed)。 People from different culture background all attach great importance on cooperating for it usually provides a well-organized group with efficiency and success。 In the field of education, some educators apply this concept to everyday teaching activity as well。 The phrase “cooperative learning” thus appears。 Actually, cooperative learning could also be accepted as a teaching philosophy with a long historical source。 Dating back to the Record on the Subject of Education in the Warring States and the early Han periods, the idea of cooperating was mentioned (Anyone who learns without a friend will be ignorant)。 And as the man who first put this teaching philosophy into teaching practice, Confucius maintains that among the three people walking ahead of me, there must be one who could be a teacher of mine。 In ancient western world, the famous educator M。 F。 Quintilian proposed that students would benefit from mutual teaching process。 And according to Seneca, a philosopher and playwright in ancient Rome, in the process of cooperative learning, one would get a second chance to consolidate what he has learned。  论文网

With the development of human civilization, more and more people seek for a better application of the cooperative learning philosophy。 Comenius, the father of the modern education, first used cooperative learning as a teaching method and strategy。 He advocated piding a class into several groups, and in every group the most talented student was selected to be teacher’s assistant。 It could be seen as the initial form of cooperative learning (Wu & Guan, 2009)。

















