A Sociolinguistic Study of American Slang
Abstract Slang is widely used by people from all walks of life。 American slang is formed and developed with American history。 It has its unique characteristics and functions。 American slang stands for American culture。 American culture and society could be better understood by a sociolinguistic study of American slang。 This thesis’s object is to study American slang from sociolinguistic perspective and analyze American slang in a descriptive approach。 The first part of this thesis mainly demonstrates the standing features of American slang。 The following two parts focus on the inpidual and social elements that influence American slang。 The last part of this thesis dwells on the social function of American slang, that is, why people use slang and what functions slang plays in social activities。 The study of American slang can enhance our culture-awareness in English teaching and learning so as to help us avoid pragmatic failure and misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication, and to improve our cross-cultural communication competence in international activities with foreign countries。 90072
Keyword: American slang; sociolinguistic; American culture
摘 要 俚语被不同地域,不同文化的人广泛使用。美国俚语跟随着美国历史一同形成与成长。它有着自己独特的特征和功能。美国俚语代表着美国文化。在从社会语言学的角度去学习美国俚语之后,人们就能更好的了解美国文化和社会。该论文将从社会语言学角度探讨美国俚语,通过对文化、社会和语言关系的探讨来讨论美国俚语在美国社会和文化中的重要作用和社会功能。本文拟从一,美国俚语的特点入手;二、讨论影响美国俚语的个人因素。通过两者关系的讨论,为美国俚语反应民族性格的特点做铺垫。三、讨论影响美国俚语的社会因素,说明了美国俚语是美国文化和社会的特有产物。最后一部分是进一步对俚语的社会功能进行讨论。美国俚语是一面反映美国社会的镜子,帮助我们对美国文化有更深刻的了解。该论文的目的通过对美国俚语的学习,提高在英语教学和学习过程中的文化意识,从而避免语用失误和跨文化交流中的误解,以此来提高在国际事务和与外国交流中的跨文化交流能力。
毕业论文关键词:美国俚语; 社会语言学; 美国文化
1。 Introduction 1
2。 Features of American slang 3
2。1 Humor 3
2。1。1 Phonetic Humor 3
2。1。2 Lexicon Humor 3
2。1。3 Rhetoric Humor 4
2。2 Conciseness 4
2。3 Originality 4
2。4 Instability 5
3。 Inpidual Factors Influencing American Slang 6
3。1 American Slang and Gender 6
3。2 American Slang and Occupation 7
3。3 American Slang and Age 7
4。 Social Factors Influencing American Slang 8
4。1 Drug Setting and American Slang 8
4。2 Homosexuality and American Slang 8
4。3 Rock and American Slang 9
5。 The Social Functions of American Slang