Abstract: As the international economic and trade are developing more widely and quickly these days, a company should understand the significance of the translation of its brand names if it is going to explore the oversea market and increase the sales volume in foreign countries。 Brand translation acquires translators not only to regard this name as an academic and commercial activity, but also to have a clear understanding of another culture。 And translators must have the consciousness and respect of these two cultures’ discrepancies, and they are also required to know the proper usage of sociolinguistics knowledge。 Only in this way can the translated name become popular, readable and catchy by customers in other countries。 This research is aimed at finding some existing problems in brand translation。 In the meanwhile, some strategies and rules in brand translation process will be discussed。 And the application of sociolinguistics in brand translation will also be discussed。88936

Keyword: brand translation; culture; sociolinguistic; rules


1。 Introduction3

2。 Literature Review-4

2。1 Principles and strategies of brand translation-4

2。2 Theoretical researches -6

  2。3 Disparate group源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 of customers and commodities6

  2。4 Summary-7

3。 Existing problems in current brand translation。 7

3。1 Brand’s name translated in pinyin without noticing the English meaning

 of the letters。-7

3。2 Taboo in foreign cultures。 -8

3。3 Deficiency of the linguistic meaning about the brand’s original language8

4。 Rules in brand translation-9

4。1 To be terse -9

4。2 To present the characteristic of the commodity10

4。3 To respect the cultural discrepancies11

4。4 To use proper sociolinguistics knowledge12

   4。5 To be innovative14

5. Conclusion-15


1. Introduction

A brand has the function of distinguishing information of this product, attracting the interest of the customers, persuading them to purchase the product, and thus promoting the sale in the whole market。 With the rapid development of economic globalization, more and more foreign products enter into Chinese market, and Chinese goods are also exhibited in overseas market。 In order to meet these new challenges, both domestic and foreign companies need to build their brand names in a foreign language because brand name is an important part of the products in advertisement。 The first characteristic of a product those potential customers remember is probably its brand name。 From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766

“A well-called brand name can enhance the perceived value of a product。 It can assure customers of product’s quality, differentiate the product from competitive offerings and stimulate customers’ desire of purchase” so a small mistake in a brand name may “ruin the image of the product and cause a bad selling”(Yang,2010)。

And as English is one of the most universal languages in the world, how to translate the trademarks between English and Chinese accurately has become a serious problem that we must take good considerations。 Translation is to express a word, a sentence, or a passage in another language。 In fact, translation is far more complicated than that, because one word could have more than one meaning, and some of words are culture-bounded and it is difficult to find a direct equivalence out in another different culture。 Therefore, an effective translation can not only achieve the lexical meanings equivalently but also the precise cultural information。

Brand name is a kind of special symbol that involves both the character of culture and commerce。 In brand translation, translators should consider the commercial elements which attract costumers’ interest and attention to light up their desire of purchase。 And another important thing in brand translation is to keep our nation identity conveyed intangibly in international business。 It is also asked to meet the aesthetic requirements from the consumers who live in a foreign country with a different culture。 In a word, good brand translation involves knowledge and expertise from many perspectives, such as linguistics, aesthetics psychology etc。 

















