摘 要随着中国经济的高速发展和全球经济一体化进程的加快,企业外宣文本的翻译在国际贸易中起着越来越重要的作用。企业外宣文本属于“信息文本”和“呼唤文本”,旨在宣传企业的产品与服务,展示企业良好形象,吸引潜在客户。本文基于尤金。奈达的功能对等理论,应用理论分析和文本对比的方法,从语言对等、文化对等以及风格对等三个方面分析了企业外宣文本的汉英翻译并提出了对应的翻译策略。在企业外宣文本的翻译过程中必须要考虑译文读者的感受,尽最大可能贴近源语言,实现文化、语言和风格方面的对等。本文的研究能够为企业外宣材料的英译提供一定的借鉴,促进中外企业间的交流合作,扩大国际市场,进一步加快中国经济的发展。83729


Abstract With the rapid development of China’s economy and the speeding up of economic globalization, enterprises publicity materials translation is playing a more crucial role in international trade and commerce。 And enterprise publicity text belongs to informative text and vocative text which is aims to promote enterprise products and services, to display great corporate image, and attract potential consumers。 This paper based on Functional Equivalence Theory from Eugene。 Nida and analyzed enterprises publicity texts with the methods of the theoretical analysis and texts comparison。 From the three aspects of linguistic equivalence, cultural equivalence and stylistic equivalence to analyzed the differences in the C-E translation of enterprises publicity texts and proposed some strategies。 It should considerate costumers’ respond during translating, and as much as possible close to the source language and realize the linguistic equivalence, cultural equivalence and stylistic equivalence。 In order to provide some reference suggestions for Chinese-English translation of enterprise publicity materials and expand friendly exchanges and cooperation between home and abroad, exploring the international market。

Key words: enterprise publicity text; functional equivalence theory; translation strategy 

The C-E Translation of Enterprises’ Publicity Texts from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。 Basic Concepts About Functional Equivalence Theory 2

2。1 Functional Equivalence Theory 2

2。2 The Guiding Significance of Functional Equivalence 4

III。 Application of Functional Equivalence in Translation of Enterprises’ Publicity Texts 4

3。1 Linguistic Equivalence 5

3。2 Cultural Equivalence 6

3。3 Stylistic Equivalence 8

IV。 Strategies to C-E Translation of Enterprises Texts。 10

4。1 Literal Translation 10

4。2 Conversion Method of Translation 11

Ⅴ。 Conclusion 14

Bibliography 16

Acknowledgements 17

I。 Introduction 

Nowadays, with the process of accelerating globalization and the gradually deepening of reform and opening up, economic association between countries around the world becomes increasingly close。 This situation will stimulate the international exchanges and cooperation between China and foreign countries。 Enterprise publicity text as a kind of marketing-oriented promotional text, its purpose is to stimulate customers’ demands and change their minds。 Whether Chinese enterprises can win a good reputation in foreign countries and whether enterprises can stride into the world and achieve excellent results, the quality of their products is very crucial。 In addition, a high-quality corporate promotional translated text is also an extremely important part。 However, in recent years, the different researches of C-E translation of enterprises publicity texts are too numerous to mention one by one, such as from the perspective of Skopos theory and Adaptation theory, but there are few researches from the perspective of Functional Equivalence theory。 So the Chinese-English translation of enterprises publicity materials become absolutely necessary and essential。 A

















