摘 要《了不起的盖茨比》是菲茨杰拉德的代表作。在这部作品中,作者运用了大量的象征手法,精确地再现了“爵士时代”美国的社会风貌,展示了盖茨比从心怀理想,到为了追求理想不择手段,最后梦想毁灭的全过程。本文采用文献检索的研究方法,首先介绍《了不起的盖茨比》的作者和作品的主要内容,然后诠释象征的定义与功能,最后从颜色、环境、人物、细节和行为举止等方面分析象征手法在小说中的应用。 本文的研究目的在于分析《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征意义,使读者加深对小说的理解。83730


Abstract The Great Gatsby is the masterpiece of Fitzgerald。 The author uses plenty of symbolism which accurately reproduces American social style in “Jazz Age”, and shows the whole process of Gatsby who holds dream in heart, pursues dream by hook or by crook, and ends his dreams。 The paper, adopting the method of literature retrieve。 Firstly, It introduces the author and the plot of The Great Gatsby。 Secondly, it interprets the definition and the function of symbolism。 Finally, it analyzes the application of symbolism in The Great Gatsby from following aspects, such as colors, the settings, characters, details, behaviors and so on。 The paper aims to analyze symbolic meaning of The Great Gatsby, and make readers get the deep understanding of the novel。

Key words: The Great Gatsby, symbolic meaning, analyze


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

І。 Introduction 1

II。 The Great Gatsby 2

 2。1 The Author of The Great Gatsby 2

 2。2 The Plot of The Great Gatsby 3

Ш。 An Introduction to Symbolism 4

 3。1 Definition of Symbolism 4

 3。2 Function of Symbolism 5

IV。 Symbolic meanings in The Great Gatsby 5

 4。1 The Symbolic Meaning of Colors 6

 4。2 The Symbolic Meaning of Settings 7

 4。3 The Symbolic Meaning of Characters 9

 4。4 The Symbolic Meaning of Details 10

 4。5 The Symbolic Meaning of Behaviors 11

 4。6 Other Symbolic Meanings in The Great Gatsby 12

V。 Conclusion 13

Bibliography 14

On the Symbolic Meanings in The Great Gatsby

I。 Introduction

Have gone through two world wars and the Great Depression, the American of 1940s started to doubt the social formation and the ethical standards in the United States, and produced a sense of national guilt to the disaster brought to people by the war。 Then they provoked strong surges of nostalgia for the life of 1920s。 People found they can get satisfaction from Fitzgerald’s work, because his work deeply reflected the social formation of America in 1920s。 As a result, a gigantic revival of Fitzgerald swept the whole America。论文网

A large number of influential works about Fitzgerald’s life story have emerged, these works reflected Fitzgerald’s lifetime and his artistic creation in different angle。 Epic and Grand: The Life of Fitzgerald of Mathew J Brooklyn was regarded the most outstanding biography of Fitzgerald, The Encyclopedia of F Scott Fitzgerald is a reference book with detailed content and abundant data which is very useful。

















