A Study of the Emoticon Use in Instant Message from the Perspective of Linguistics
Abstract With the unceasing progress of science and technology, network instant messaging (IM) which is a new mode of communication has already become one of the essential means of people’s daily communication。 Due to its symbolic feature, emoticon can be seen everywhere in Internet communication and contributes to expressing more vivid meanings。 Because of its novelty, however, few researches have been made on emoticons。 Compared to other studies at home abroad, especially related to linguistic field, the studies are scanty。 In addition, the researches on emoticons are mostly limited to the form, design feature and other external factors。 90368
Therefore, the present study will be based on the previous researches, equipped with Royce’s intersemiotic complementarity analysis and visual design grammar of Kress and Van Leeuwen, collecting the typical emoticons from different periods and data that are private and group history chat logs as samples, to discuss the cognitive process of emoticon in discourse and investigate the internal mechanism of its expressing way。 And this analysis will contribute to the further relevant study in the future。
Keywords: emoticon; Instant Messaging; Intersemiotic Complementarity; Visual Design Grammar; Multimodal Discourse Analysis
摘 要
科技的不断进步使得网络即时通讯这一新型的沟通方式成为了人们日常交流必不可少的手段之一。作为其标志性特点,表情符号在互联网交流中随处可见并使意义表达的方式变得愈发丰富。虽然涉及表情符号的研究很多,但因其新颖性,尤其是与语言学相关联的,国内外对于表情符号的专门研究并不多见。此外,对于表情符号的研究大多都局限于其表现形式、结构特点等外在因素。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766
因此,本文将会立足于前人的研究,应用Royce的符际互补与Kress和Van Leeuwen的视觉设计语法两大理论,采集代表性表情符号以及相关语料(包括群聊和私聊)作为样本,通过从表情符号在语篇中的衔接机制,互动意义以及构图设计三个视角来分析探究表情符号意义表达的内在机制,从而了解了表情符号在语篇中的认知过程。本次研究有助于发现和讨论网民在使用表情符号时的认知过程以及对表情符号的深入与拓展研究。
List of Tables
Table 1 10
Table 2 11
Table 3 14
Table 4 15
Table 5 15
Table 6 16
List of Figures
Figure 1 1
Figure 2 8
Figure 3 17
Figure 4 18
Figure 5 19
Table of Contents
Chapter One 来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766 Introduction 1
1。1 Research Background 1
1。2 Research Purpose 2
1。3 Thesis Outline