Abstract Language is the carrier of culture, and culture is the essence of language。 For many years, many foreign language teachers have split the language and culture。 They only focus on the teaching of language knowledge, but ignore the teaching of culture。 This paper studies the effective approaches to the cultivation of students’ cross-cultural awareness in primary school English teaching, based on the theoretical framework of cross-culture teaching and teaching activities in English class。 Hoping to promote the development of the cause of the primary school English teaching in our country, the author puts forward some feasible solutions to the problems in this area。85675

Key words: cross-cultural awareness; English teaching activities; primary school

摘要 语言是文化的载体,文化是语言的本质。多年来,不少外语教师将语言和文化分裂 开来,仅仅注重语言知识的教授,却忽视了文化的导入。本文以跨文化教学的理论框架 为基础,以小学英语教学活动设计为例,具体探讨在小学英语教学中培养学生跨文化意 识的有效途径。作者通过揭示小学英语教学中所存在的问题,提出具体可行的解决办法, 希望能对我国小学英语教学有所启示。源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

2。1 Concepts of cross-cultural awareness 2

2。2 Elements of culture teaching 2

2。3 Requiremwnts of English teaching in English Curriculum Standards 3

3。 The Problems of English Teaching in Primary School due to Lack of Cross-cultural Awareness 4

3。1 Chinglish 4

3。2 The neglect of cross-cultural awareness in oral communication 6

4。 Strategies to Cultivate Students’ Cross-cultural Awareness in Primary School English Teaching Activities 7

4。1 To interpret cross-cultural phenomena directly 7

4。2 To create a real and effective communication scene 8

4。3 To extend the content of textbooks 8

5。 A Proposed Model 9

6。 Conclusion 12

Works Cited 14

1。 Introduction 来自优W尔Y论W文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520,18766

According to the requirements of the overall goal of the classification of the standard of English teaching in the stage of the basic education, in English curriculum standards, it puts forward corresponding requirements in five aspects of language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness。 In foreign language teaching, culture mainly refers to the national history and geography, local customs and practices, customs, way of life, literature and art, behavior norms and values, and so on about the country of which the language students learn。 Understanding the culture of English-speaking countries is beneficial to students to understand and use English, which can help to deepen the understanding of the culture of our own country, and to cultivate the awareness of the world。 Primary school is the initial stage of learning English。 Making students understand the differences between Chinese and Western culture can stimulate students’ interest in learning English, and can make them understand the cultural differences between English and Chinese。 All in all, it is very important to cultivate students’ cross-cultural awareness in primary school。 Referring to the domestic and foreign literature, and repeated independent thinking, I put forward some specific feasible solutions about how to cultivate students’ cross-cultural awareness in primary school English teaching activities in this paper。

















