In this novel, Sue often did things from one extreme to the other extreme。 Sue showed a dual nature。 When she was a pagan, she always slandered everything that had color of religion。 But when things went wrong, she immediately sought religious help。 It vividly illustrated that Sue was showing a dual nature。 And she couldn’t follow her own thoughts。 She had the fear of Christianity in the heart and was afraid of punishment。 Her apostasy was not complete。 On the one hand, Sue could maintain her female consciousness。 On the other hand, Sue was cold to the man。 We can see her female consciousness from her attitude towards Jude。 On the one hand, she loved Jude。 On the other hand, the burning love was inhibited in her heart。 Sue enjoyed the feeling of free love brought by Jude, but was also afraid of marriage of paper。 

     Sue was selfish and childish。 She was always melancholy and moody。 When she saw the son of Jude for the first time, she went away into the living room and left the child alone suddenly just because Arabell was the mother of the son of Jude。 Sue married impulsively, but she gradually found that she didn’t love Mr。 Phillotson。 She didn’t think about what marriage was before she got married。 Sue was skilled in knowledge, but was not good at life or marriage。 She often did things in a hasty way。 She married Mr。 Phillotson just because of gratitude。 However, she didn’t perform responsibility of wife in marriage。 She said if a woman loves someone too much, then she would not think whether it was right or not。 Despite the contempt and the challenge to the traditional ideas, but after all, the influence of traditional moral and religious teachings can expand vision of man and narrow vision of woman。 Sue was subtly influenced by religion and traditional morality, and her nature had been distorted。 So in the face of reality, Sue showed weak side of character and hesitation。文献综述

Sue was also indecisive。 Sue had the spirit of female in the new era, which was independent and dared to challenge the Christian morality。 Sue showed her contempt for the holy traditional religion when she worked in the workshop。 Outwardly she was a woman who was willing to fight with social customs。 In fact, Sue was still a traditional female。 She just pretended to hold different views from others。 Frankly speaking, she was also the slave of social system of marriage。 In addition, through the death of the children, Sue thought that she was egoistic。 The behavior of desecration and the pursuit of self happiness were not right。 And the self denial was a higher path。 

















