In short, these four principles constitute the basic principles of skopos theory, but the principles of coherence, faithfulness and loyalty must be subject to the principle of purpose, which is the first principle of teleology。 They have provided a forceful and effective theoretical guidance for the translators in the application of the translating strategies especially the publicity translation。 In this paper, the author tries to look into the manifestation of Skopos theory in propaganda translating strategies。

3。 Application of Skopos Theory In Publicity Translation

For the sake of expressing the information accurately, publicity translation often obey the rules of authenticity and flexibility, rigor and creativity。 (Yang 160) Furthermore, publicity materials are written in severe and firm tone and are pithy in wording, with the features of accuracy, timeliness, oneness, objectivity, integrity and political nature ( Wang 109-112)。 However, due to the reality that the barriers between Chinese and English in language, culture, economy, political background, features and limits of political materials and many other aspects, a large amount of difficulties ought to be overcome when translating。

By and large, the author will discuss publicity translation from the following aspects: literal translation, free translation, amplification, omission and etc。

3。1 Literal translation

The so-called literal translation, that is, on the condition that the translation language is permitted, the translation not only maintains the original content, but also the original form, including sentence structure and rhetoric。 (Gao and Liang 43-46) However, in publicity translation cases are that some words or expressions in their usual sense are difficult to cope with due to the difference between Chinese and English in many sides including language, culture and so on。 Under these circumstances, literal translation and free translation are available to solve the dilemma。

Take “占据半壁江山”、“简政放权”、“三严三实”、“一带一路” for example。 In this case, the expressions are translated as follows: “accounting for more than half”, “streamline administration, delegate more powers”, “Three Stricts and Three Honests”。 Literal translation does not equal to word-by-word translation。 Instead, it is “not to alter the original words and sentences” or “to keep the sentiments and style of the original” (Xu 8)。 Not only can it serve to reappear as much as possible the styles and thought of the original version, but also to retain as much as possible the figures of speech as is shown in the “一带一路”。 It can be translated as follows: “the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative (the Belt and Road Initiative)”。 文献综述

According to Skopos theory, in order to make the target audience understand, though without more interpretation, the original meaning and culture can still be expressed fine。

3。2 Free translation

Free translation is a method of translating according to the original context rather than verbatim translation。 Free translation emphasizes the relative independence of the cultural system between target language and original language。 It can reflect the linguistic features of the nation。 Based on Skopos theory, when it turns out a contradiction between the comprehension (coherence) and the expression (fidelity), the phase of comprehension comes first, stating that the fidelity rule is subordinate to the coherence rule and they both come after Skopos rule。 There is a typical sentence: “。。。。。。 贫困县全部摘帽,解决区域性整体贫困。” The English version goes “。。。。。。。 and achieve poverty alleviation in all poor counties and areas”。

This example uses analogy in the view of the rhetoric。 The subject in this sentence is “poor countries (贫困县)in Chinese。 But its body part is “ put off hats”。 Obviously, the phrase” poor countries” can not serve as a “person”。 Consequently,  in compliance with the Skopos (purpose), free translation is necessary here。 More often than not, however, literal translation and free translation will be adopted at random。 Overemphasizing either of them would result in ridiculous or embarrassing consequences。

















