Abstract The overall objective of this thesis is to demonstrate why and how metacognitive strategy functions in the English reading teaching of high school students。The thesis states the definition and different categories of metacognitive strategy in English aqusition, and the necessity of applying metacognitive strategy in the high school reading teaching from the perspective of new curriculum reform and characteristics of the psychological quality development of senior high school students, indicating the disadvantages of current high school English reading teaching mode in China。 Besides, Specific approaches of applying metacognitive strategy in reading teaching are illustrated distinctly from several sections:clarifying the reading target of students,example and demonstration of teachers, plans and arrangements before reading,organization and monitoring during reading, evaluation and communication after reading。94791

Keywords : metacognitive strategy; high school English education;    English reading teaching; reading comprehension ; 

摘要本文的总目标是论证元认知策略在高中英语阅读教学中起作用的理由和具体方式。本文阐释了元认知策略在英语学习中的内涵以及具体分类,从新课程改革和高中生身心发展特点的角度论述了将元认知策略应用于高中英语阅读教学中的必要性, 并且指出了目前我国高中英语阅读教学模式的弊端。此外,本文清晰列出了元认知策略应用于高中英语阅读教学中的具体途径:首先明确阅读目标,教师起到良好的示范作用,然后分成阅读前的计划与安排,阅读中的组织与监控和阅读后的调节与评价三部分仔细论证其具体途径。



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

    2。1 Research background。。。。。。。。。。1

2。2 The definition of metacognitive strategy 2

2。3 The categories of metacognitive strategy 3

3。 The Necessity of Applying Metacognitive Strategy In The High 

 School Reading teaching 4

3。1 Disadvantages of the reading teaching mode in China 4

3。2 Requirements of the new curriculum reform 4

3。3 Characteristics of the psychological quality development of high 

school students 5

4。 Specific Approaches of Applying Metacognitive Strategy In The High 

 School Reading teaching 6

4。1 Clarifying the reading target of students 7

4。2 Example and demonstration of teachers 8

4。3 Plans and arrangements before reading 9

4。4 Organization and monitoring during reading 10

4。5 Evaluation and Communication after reading 11

5。 Conclusion 12

6。 Works Cited 14

1。 Introduction论文网

     It is well-known that reading is a primary approach of acquiring information。 Especially in today’s fierce social competition, reading ability, namely the ability of acquiring information, will directly impact the success  of inpiduals。 In the field of high school English reading teaching, teachers emphasize too much on the analysis of reading materials and pay too much attention to the intellectual development of students, but ignore the cultivation of students’ learning strategies, which just goes against the original intention of reading teaching。 Therefore, knowing the application of metacognitive strategy of high school students turns to be a problem worth discussion。 It will be of great significance to get students interested in reading English articles, cultivate their reading habits, and enable them to acquire information and learn vocabularies and grammar through effective reading。 The metacognitive strategy mainly helps perceiving and managing the learning process。 Therefore, how students apply the metacognitive strategy to manage their reading training process and enhancing the reading effect in the high school English reading teaching is the topic of this dissertation。 

















