
摘要:委婉语是使用较委婉的语言表达各种难以接受的,难以启齿的话语。这种委 婉语是人们在一定的语境中选择语言文字的结果。多年来,国内外学者对委婉语 进行了大量了研究,从修辞学,语义学等不同角度进行了研究,但大多研究都从 词汇角度出发,研究委婉语,但随着社会的发展,委婉语的使用已经运用到社会 的各个方面,因此,委婉语的使用已经不止体现在词汇层面。本文从语境语用角 度出发,以《绝望的主妇》第一季为研究对象,以语用学为研究理论,对委婉语 进行分析。

本文总共由五章构成:第一章是全文的总体概括,包括研究目的,研究背景 以及研究意义。第二章主要介绍委婉语的定义,国内外相关研究,分类以及功能; 第三章介绍研究方法。第四章主要介绍美剧《绝望的主妇》中的委婉语使用与分 析,分别从语音,词汇和修辞角度分析美剧中的委婉语以及把委婉语和语用学的 礼貌原则结合起来,分析委婉语是如何违背和遵循礼貌原则的;其次以美剧中的 台词为分析对象,分别分析了委婉语的三个作用:禁忌,礼貌和幽默作用。最后 一章是概述整个论文。

通过以上研究,可以很清楚地发现,遵循礼貌原则其实就是合适恰当地使用 委婉语,且在日常交际中,根据场合,时间和交流对象恰当地使用委婉语使人际 交往更加顺利,缓和人与人之间的矛盾,加深朋友,邻居之间的和睦关系。有助 于英语学习者更好地学习西方文化。

关键字: 委婉语,语用分析,合作原则,礼貌原则

A Pragmatic Study of English Euphemism in The Desperate Housewives

Abstract:Euphemism is to use  subtle  language  to  express  those  strong, difficult words. It is the result of the choice of language in a certain context. Over the years, domestic and foreign scholars have carried out a lot of research on euphemism, from rhetoric, semantics and other different aspects of the study, and most of the researches  study euphemism from the vocabulary point of view. But with the development of society, euphemism has been applied to all aspects of society, therefore, the use of euphemism has not only reflected in the lexical level. This paper analyzes the euphemism from the perspective of contextual pragmatics, taking the first quarter of the series, The Desperate Housewives, as the research  object to  analyze euphemism  using pragmatics  theory.

This paper consists of five parts: The first part is  the  general summary of the whole paper, including the purpose, background and significance of research. The second part mainly introduces  the definition of euphemism, relevant research at home and abroad, classification and function. The third part introduces the research method. The fourth chapter mainly introduces the use and analysis of euphemism in The Desperate Housewives from the phonetic, lexical and rhetorical aspects, and combines the politeness principles and pragmatics in order to analyze how euphemism violates and follows the principle of politeness. In this part, three functions of euphemism are analyzed: taboo, politeness and humor. The last  chapter is  an overview  of the entire  paper.

Through the above research, it can be clearly found that the principle of politeness is observed appropriately and properly. In daily communication, according to the occasion, the time and the addressee, proper use of euphemism can make interpersonal communication more smoothly, ease contradictions, and deepen the  relationship  between friends and neighbors. It also helps English learners better learn Western culture.

Key words: Euphemism,  Cooperation Principle,  Politeness  Principle.

















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