
     As we all know that, “proverb” means a short well-known saying that states a general truth or gives advice,for example,“It takes a two to make a quarrel”(一个巴掌拍不响). Proverbs are the diamonds of human being’s wisdom. Proverbs are also the cream of human being’s language. Proverbs are from folk and books.Proverbs imply profound philosophy, which can help people to learn something and understand something by a vivid image or a subtile metaphor, so that they could live a much happier life. Meanwhile, it reflects the features, culture and the history of a nation. As time goes by, there is an abundant of proverbs, such as the followings: In English, we have the sayings:Great men’s sons seldom do well and he sets the fox to keep the geese. In Chinese we have some similar sayings like: 富不过三代 and 引狼入室.
    In the above examples, we can see that when we get the English ones, it is hard for us to get its meaning in Chinese, and when we read those in Chinese, it’s no easy to imagine the English version. Due to different politics, economy, culture, history, geography,religion and so on, there are many difficulties in understanding and communicating with each other. If we want to make the process of communication smoother, we should know about each other as much as possible. At this very moment, it is necessary to have a comparison and analysis on English and Chinese proverbs.
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