    关键词  喜剧性  “成对”现象  道德  日常生活 人道主义
    Title   Analysis of Characters’ Comedy in Charles Dickens’ The Pickwick Papers from the Perspective of Agnes Heller’s Philosophical Theories
    The Pickwick Papers, an excellent comedy filled with optimistic spirit and humor, is the first novel of great English realistic writer Charles Dickens. Many scholars have done various studies on this comedy, but until now, few have tried to study its characters’ comedy from the perspective of philosophy. Agnes Heller, the representative of new Marxism in Eastern Europe, is the first person who uses philosophy to study comedy in her work The Immortal Comedy: The Comic Phenomenon in Art, Literature, and Life, which has paved the way for comedy study in the field of philosophy. Therefore, in the framework of Agnes Heller’s comedy philosophy as well as her moral aesthetics and theory of everyday life communication, this thesis analyzes the unique comedy techniques and typical characters’ comedy in The Pickwick Papers from three aspects: “the pairs” phenomenon, the beautiful character and humanity of everyday life, aiming to reveal Dickens’s humanitarianism under the mask of comedy at the same time.
    Key words  comedy  “The Pairs” phenomenon  morality  everyday life  humanitarianism
    Table of Contents
    1    Introduction    1
    2   "The Pairs" Phenomenon    9
    2.1  Definition of "The Pairs" Phenomenon    9
    2.2  Master and Servant Pairing    9
    2.3  Father and Son Pairing    11
    3   The Beautiful Character    14
    3.1  Definition of "The Beautiful Character"    14
    3.2  Evildoer's Repentance    14

    4    Humanity of Everyday Life    19
    4.1  Definition of Humanity of Everyday Life    19
    4.2  Illiberality in Political Elections    19
    4.3  Ilequality in Judicial Administration    21
    Conclusion    24
    Acknowledgements    25
    References    26
    1 Introduction
    Charles Dickens and The Pickwick Papers
    Charles Dickens is the greatest writer in England in the 19th century. The topics of his works are various and deeply reflect the complicated social reality in England at that time, which has contributed to the formation and development of English critical realistic literature. With his extraordinary art skills and humorous language style, he has presented an all-inclusive picture of society in his works and has created lots of unforgettable literary figures. His major works are the early The Pickwick Papers, Oliver Twist, the middle David Copperfield, Dombey and Son and the late A Tale of Two Cities, Bleak House, Hard Times and Great Expectations.
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