    关键词  吸血鬼热  大学生  思文方式  
    Title   From the Phnomenon of “Vampire Fever” to Analyze The Transformation on Chinese College Students’ Way of Thinking 
    “Vampire” has been a cultural phenomenon for thousands of years. In western culture, vampire literature has been famous from the middle of 18th century, and many popular novels and films are based on this seemingly horrible theme. However, the figure of the vampire hadn’t been really famous in China until the movie Twilight came out in 2009. It even once aroused the “Vampire Fever” among the youngsters, especially among Chinese college students. From that time on, vampire has never stopped its appearance on screen, and it has become a famous topic in the life of Chinese college students. The author will start from the “Vampire Fever” phenomenon to analyze the transformation on Chinese college students’ way of thinking, and to explore the causes of this transformation.
    Keywords  vampire fever    Chinese college student    way of thinking
    Table of Contents
    1    Introduction    1
    1.1    The development of vampire literature in western countries    1
    1.2        The rise of “Vampire Fever” in China    2
    2    From the phenomenon of “Vampire Fever” to analyze the transformation on Chinese college students’ way of thinking    4
    2.1    From “saint admiration” to “ghost admiration” – challenging to the conventions    4
    2.2        Fall in love with vampires – respect differences    5
    2.3        The struggle of humanity – self Introspectiveness    6
    3    The causes of the “Vampire Fever” in Chinese campus    8
    3.1    Demand under the pressure -- Fear and emotional catharsis    8
    3.2        The romantic love story – a moment of fantasy    9
    3.3      Cultural values of western vampire images    10
    Conclusion    12
    References    14
    1  Introduction
    The vampire, a kind of legendary supernatural creature, means those who live on the living person’s blood. There are a lot of legends that based on it. Early vampire legends came from the Balkans and Slavic area in Eastern Europe. In these legends, the vampire refers to those dead bodies that climb up from the grave to snort blood.
    In the modern research of vampire culture, most of them considered three characters, Lilith, Cain and Judas Jscariot from the religious culture as the prototype of the vampire. In the religious culture, the law of banning of blood is common, because blood represents life, and the practice of edible blood rebelled against the contract between god and human, so the vampire has always been the embodiment of the most evil and terror demon in the western culture (Bane & Theresa, 2010).
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