
毕业论文关键词: 个人空间距离;社会背景;跨文化交际

Abstract The relationship between China and the United States is considered as one of the most important bilateral relations in twenty-first century。 The two countries have close cooperation in trade, economy, culture, politics, and so on。 Cooperation is based on interpersonal communication, but people of China and the United States live in different social and cultural backgrounds。 At the same time, every country has their own characteristics, so the people of the two countries have different understandings on the personal spatial distance in interpersonal communication。 This paper mainly using the methods of exemplification and comparison analyzes the different understandings of the personal spatial distance between the people of China and the United States, and investigates the different reasons for the differences from the perspectives of value, social status, character, geography and population。 The paper aims to promote the communication and mutual understandings between the people of two countries。

Key words: personal spatial distance; social context; intercultural communication


摘 要


I。 Introduction

II。 A Brief Introduction to Personal Spatial Distance 2

2。1 Definition of Personal Spatial Distance 2

2。2 Related Researches on Personal Spatial Distance 3

III。 The Differences of Chinese and American Personal Spatial Distance in Intercultural Communication 4

3。1 In Conversation 5

3。2 In Public Place 5

3。3 In Office 6

3。4 Among Family Members 7

3。5 About Attitudes 7

IV。 Reasons for Differences of Chinese and American Personal Spatial Distance

4。1 Differences of Value 9

4。2 Differences of Social Status 10

4。3 Differences of Character 11

4。4 Differences of Geography and Population 13

V。 Conclusion



On the Differences of Chinese and American Personal Spatial Distance in Intercultural Communication

I。 Introduction

There’s no doubt that the communication between the people of China and the United States is becoming more and more closely, and the cross-cultural communication has become increasingly prosperous。 Because of the differences between Chinese and American history and culture, people in two countries have a lot of differences in personal spatial distance。 In nonverbal communication, the most controversial is the differences in the use of personal spatial distance in different cultures。 The misunderstandings and conflicts caused by these differences are not uncommon。 The distance between people in a specific environment, can convey the information of interpersonal relationship。 Through the use of personal spatial distance, people can convey a variety of information, such as status, identity, interests and hobbies。 Keeping personal spatial distance is very important to the inpidual and the society, the invasion of personal spatial distance will bring unpleasant to people’s life, and sometimes even cause serious consequences。 Recognizing and maintaining personal spatial distance is not only a behavior that respect for others, but also a kind of self-protection。 Distance produces beauty that is due to the existence of personal spatial distance。论文网

















