    摘 要自然拼音法是国外小学生学习英语的第一步。但是国情不同,实际运用规则和方法也不尽相同。本文首先介绍了我国小学英语教学现状。然后,介绍了自然拼音教学法的使用规则。最后,结合我国小学英语教学实际,介绍了如何在小学英语教学中运用自然拼音教学法。通过自然班和实验班的对比实证研究,证明本研究所提出的自然拼音教学法的使用策略是可行的、高效的。本研究对培养小学生的英语学习兴趣,提高小教学效率具有重大意义。36679
    Phonics is the first step for foreign students to learn English. But according to different national conditions, there are some differences in the practical rules and methods. First, this paper introduces the present situation of primary school English teaching in China. Then, it introduces the usage rules of phonics. Finally, it introduces how to apply phonics in primary school English teaching by combining the teaching realities in China. This paper proves that the strategy of phonics in this research is feasible and efficient through the contrastive and empirical study between the experimental classes and the natural classes. This paper has a great significance in cultivating pupils’ interests in learning English and improving teaching efficiency in primary school.
    Key words: phonics; phoneme; teaching method
    Application and Analysis of Phonics in Primary School English Teaching
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Theoretical Bases of Phonics    3
    2.1 Definition of Phonics    3
    2.2 Principles and Rules of Phonics    4
    2.3 Relevant Teaching Methods    6
    III. Advantages    9
    3.1 To Avoid Interference in Learning the IPA Interference    9
    3.2 To Improve the Efficiency of Learning and Memorizing Words    10
    3.3 To Enhance Students’ Learning Confidence    11
    3.4 To Promote the Development of Students' Language Skills    12
    IV. Practice and Application of Classroom    13
    4.1 The Target of Research    13
    4.2 The Content of Implementation    14
    4.3 Teaching Design    15
    4.4 Teaching Efficiency    17
    V. Conclusion    19
    Bibliography    21
    Acknowledgements    22
    I. Introduction

    With the information-based of social life and the globalization of the world economy, English is becoming more and more important. English as one of the most important information carrier, has become the most widely used language upon various aspects of society. Many countries regard the English education as an important part of education of citizen quality in the development of elementary education, and put it in a prominent position. Learning and mastering English are the basic requirements of the 21st century to “learn to survive” and “adapt to survive”. Based on these significant factors, subject to the regulations of the Chinese Ministry of Education, English courses will be provided in the third year of all the primary schools in our country. Children are always full of interest for this lesson just began to contact English. But it is not difficult to find that, a large number of children lost interests in learning English after a period of time.
    Related research shows that children need to repeat and recite constantly in the process of learning English. This mechanical method caused children lost the interests in the early stages of learning English and lost their ability of reading too. As a teacher, it is our responsibility and obligation to teach students well (Gao Min 62-64). What does it mean to teach their children well? Especially the primary school students who want to learn a foreign language. Are there no methods except mechanical memorizing? Many teachers always complained about why some students can not read the words accurately, they do not understand why some students can’t recite the words. Are these problems of students themselves? The old saying tells us: “It is difficult to achieve anything without support”. The author thinks that, although there is a group of students are not easy to receive information, they feel very difficult in the word spelling and reciting. But on the other hand, a lot of the teacher’s rigid teaching method also has some problems. It is not only unable to improve students’ performance, but also will lead to students hate studying. This traditional teaching method already can not adapt to the development of modern society.
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