
    Impromptu speech means speaker published their speech in front of unfamiliar situation, characters and scenes, such as the wedding toast, funeral mourning, speeches and other gathering. The main features of the speech are spoken of his feelings, a strong sense of environment sense and short. It requires the speaker to grasp the subject, the head, and quickly mix, concisely and comprehensively.
    The argument speech means the two party or more argue on the different views face to face. Its purpose is stick to the truth, refute the fallacy, distinguish between truths and false. It is more difficult for the argument speech, it requires that the speaker must have correct ideas, noble quality, rigorous logic, strong adaptability.
    It also can be pided into another four types. They are the polite speech, the academic speech, the social life speech, and the classroom speech.
    Political speech is a speech about political presentation. It aims at the political problems at home and abroad in real life, and can clarify their political views. It requires that: (1) the argument should be distinctive and powerful; (2) demonstration should be tight, and feeling should be fully; (3) the attitude should be distinctive, and mood to be sure.
    Academic speech is describing a new scientific research achievements to the audience when a discipline problem is studied, so it is a speech that disseminates scientific knowledge presentation. It requires that it should: (1) explain profound theories in simple language, which means the speech is easy to understand; (2) the speaker should be modest, prudent and equality; (3) he should display the speech by means of something visually.
    The social life speech is the speech that speaks out one aspect of the problem of social existence as the object to express their thoughts, emotions, and desires. It requires the speech: to have the flavor of the times, the speaker should select and refine the theme, the speech should be lively, vivid and emotional.
    Classroom speech can be pided into two kinds: one is used by the teachers to impart knowledge, to train their students; the other one is the ability to write the speech. These two kinds of speech writing have common requirements: (1) clear purpose; (2) strictly limited time; (3) substantial content; (4) simple language.
    This is a prepared speech and also belongs to typical political speech.
    Just as the time Martin lived, when blacks have no rights to refuse the injustice treat, for hundred years, the black people keep silent. This is the reality. So Martin speak out it and ask the black to work together to fight for freedom, for the justice, for the dignity. This is the typical and distinctive.
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