
    Acknowledgements I would like to express my appreciation to a number of people for their invaluable assistance in preparation and development of this thesis.

    My most sincere thanks to associate professor my supervisor, for his constant encouragement and guidance to me during my composition of this thesis. He, with his seriousness and preciseness in academic research, will serve as a model for my future study and career. My thanks would also go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates.44080

    Comparative Analysis of Culture between two versions of Go For It


    The new standard of English textbooks raises the importance of cultural factor , which also pushes the updating of English textbooks. In order to figure out the differences in culture between the old and new versions of Go For it, this paper evaluates these two version from five parts: internationality, macroscopical culture, microscopical culture, culture annotation and practice and homework. It figures out that both versions pay attention to inner circle culture and native culture but pay less attention to negative parts of society and typical features of times. Based on the findings, this paper advises editors to take contemporary events into consideration and decrease the passage which introduces countries from the traveling aspect. It also suggests that teachers should make a student-oriented class, use the textbook more flexible and push students to learn English through daily lives rather than just in the classroom.

    Key words: English textbook; Go For It; culture

    新旧“Go For It”教材文化导向对比分析

    摘要由于时代的变迁,课标的更新也促使了教材的更新。新版本在文化方面提出了新的要求。而教材是教师进行文化教学的主要途径,新一版本的Go For It在文化这一内容上也有了一定的改变。


    毕业论文关键词:英语教材;Go For It;文化


    1. The Definition of Culture 1

    2. The Relationship between Language and Culture 1

    3. Studies on Comparative Analysis in English Textbooks 2

    4. Studies on Culture Teaching abroad and in China 4

    5. Theoretical Framework 6

    6. The Analysis and Evaluation of the Two Version about Culture 6

    6.1 Internationality 7

    6.1.1 Passages of Listening 7

    6.1.2 Passages of Reading 9

    6.2 Macroscopical Culture 10

    6.2.1 Time Features 11

    6.2.2 Typicality 12

    6.2.3 The Different Arrangement of Cultural Difference 13

    6.3 Microcosmical Culture

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